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zeolite liquid fights back - joint - gout pain - inflammation - leaky gut + MORE

Description: LIQUID ZEOLITE ---- GUARANTEED 100% SAFE! Factory-Sealed - EXPIRES 2026Liquid Zeolite Helps Your Immune System Fight Glyphosate (herbicide Roundup), Viruses, Yeast, Leaky Gut, Joint Pain, Gout Pain, Inflammation & more!VIRAL LOAD REDUCED BY LIQUID ZEOLITEZeolite is able trap pre-virus (pre-viral) components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed Zeolite latches on to viral components. This can help relieve some of the symptoms of viral diseases and infections.Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the ultra-micronized zeolite aggregates. This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections. Zeolite honeycomb structure absorbs virus components in its pores, allowing them to be effectively ===========================Zeolite Fights Glyphosate, Leaky Gut & Inflammation!Herbicides and Your HealthGlyphosate is a popular herbicide used to kill certain plants and grasses, manage how plants grow, get crops ready for harvest, and ripen fruit. It’s been in the news recently because of concerns about health risks.Where Is Glyphosate Used?Glyphosate is one of the world’s most common herbicides.It’s the active ingredient in popular weed-control products like Roundup, Rodeo, and Pondmaster. Many farmers use it during food production. It’s often used on: Fruit and vegetable crops Glyphosate-resistant crops like canola, corn, cotton, soybeans, sugar beets, and wheat Plantings, lawns, greenhouses, aquatic plants, and forest plantings Exposure to Glyphosate in Your Lawn and Garden If you use a weed killer with glyphosate on your lawn or garden, you may be exposed to glyphosate by breathing it in, getting it on your skin, or getting it in your eyes. The herbicide has been the subject of controversy for years. Once it became known that it causes serious health problems, including endocrine disruption, allergies, asthma, autism spectrum disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, rhinitis, obesity, leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of cancer. The report found that foods such as Cheerios, Goldfish Crackers, Oreos and Doritos contain residues of the chemical glyphosate. Also known by the name Roundup, glyphosate is used to kill weeds in crops. Glyphosate in food is a real health concern. The herbicide has been the subject of controversy for years. Once it became known that it causes serious health problems, including endocrine disruption, allergies, asthma, autism spectrum disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, rhinitis, obesity, leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of cancer. FDA Disclaimer: The FDA says only a drug can treat, prevent or cure a disease. Liquid Zeolite is not a drug, thus we can’t say it helps any disease and don’t make any medical claims or cure claims for it. ============== Liquid Zeolite metal detox treatment safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals (including mercury, aluminum, arsenic, lead, cadmium, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others) without removing beneficial minerals. May 15, 2007 in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health by Geier and Geier, clearly suggests there is a direct causal link between mercury exposure from Thimerosal-preserved vaccines and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Thimerosal (49.55% mercury by weight) is a highly toxic mercury compound used as a preservative in some OTC and prescription drugs, including most flu shots given to pregnant women, infants, children, adults, and the elderly. In the June 2007 issue of the same journal, a study by J. B. Adams, titled "Mercury, Lead, and Zinc in Baby Teeth of Children with Autism Versus Controls" was published. According to the authors, "Children with autism have 3 times as much mercury in their baby teeth." They continue with a recommendation: "...Removal of heavy metals may help reduce autistic symptoms, especially in young children." The supplement is purified clinoptilolite, a type of zeolite, suspended in solution. Zeolite is produced when lava meets ocean water. It is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, and has a microscopic honeycomb-like crystalline structure of cavities and cages. Waste water studies show that this structure has the ability to attract, trap, bind and remove various heavy metals and toxins such as mercury, lead and cadmium, etc Why Activated Liquid Zeolite Can Help Zeolite works outside the cells to absorb mercury and other heavy metals - plus viral particles. And other toxins too - once it has got rid of most of the heavy metals. Zeolite has proven to be such an excellent heavy metal detoxifier, you no longer need a number of other heavy metal detoxifiers that are more commonly suggested. Zeolite is especially good with mercury and lead. It is able to get through the blood-brain barrier to detoxify the brain. Zeolite has a negative ionic charge and attracts heavy metals, toxins and viral particles to it, grabs hold of them in its cage like structure, and pulls them out of the body without chelating healthy minerals, without releasing the mercury back into the body like many detoxifiers do, and without making the body work harder to detoxify the heavy metals and other toxins it chelates. Nothing works better. If autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were merely random birth defects, we would expect their incidence in the population to be consistent over time. Studies by Professor James Adams, PhD of Arizona State and other doctors active with DAN protocols have shown that mercury and other heavy metals are prevalent in many children with autism. Other studies suggest a possible link between a mercury-containing preservative found in many vaccines, thimerosal, and the high mercury levels in autistic children; as the number of immunizations rose, so did the incidence of autism. Question: My 3 year old has been on liquid zeolite for 3 weeks. He doesn’t grind his teeth at night any more. Why? Dr. Prociuk – Skimming, slapping, eye movements, pinching, teeth grinding are symptoms of a central nervous system that is constantly short-circuiting. There was a paper written comparing symptoms of mercury toxicity to autism- there are about 100 symptoms in each column, and they are remarkably similar. The fact this child is no longer doing that is evidence that liquid zeolite has removed toxins from this child, which is a wonderful thing. You can be sure it worked without stirring up yeast… and causing depletion of essential minerals. Question – Please explain basic liquid zeolite mechanism. Dr. Prociuk – Liquid zeolite is a honeycomb shaped molecule. It has a vast absorptive surface area. 100 drops contains an absorptive surface area of 80 to 90 square feet, which is incredible. In one level teaspoon roughly, there is 80 to 90 absorptive square feet of surface area. It is a very strongly negatively charged molecule. Toxins of all sorts, and certainly heavy metals, are all, without exception, positively charged. The basic mechanism of action is; there’s a magnetic attraction to toxic build up areas in the body. Toxins are preferentially bonded to the zeolite because the zeolite contains a much stronger pull than the tissue to which the toxin is attached. Dr. Prociuk – Some parents have reported a shift in their child within the first day or two. Others take a little longer. Sometimes the results are very dramatic, sometimes they’re a bit more gradual. With perhaps 2 exceptions I haven’t heard a single parent tell me they haven’t had any results at all. That’s generally after the first month when they come back for a follow up. Dr. Prociuk– Clearly we have an epidemic of neurodevelopment disorders, and we have the sickest generation ever, 1/3 of the children on some kind of chronic medication. Ask any adult how many of our classmates as kids had asthma. Now it’s 3 in every class. Not only in autism spectrum, but in the whole health picture. It’s taking a marked, and scary turn for the worst. It’s clearly environmental-not genetic, or humans would have been wiped out eons ago. We’re seeing roughly the same statistics in all part of the country. In my opinion, it’s the lunatic vaccine schedule that children are getting. I believe it’s not just the MMR. There are many factors to be considered… Thimerosal is putting 80 times the EPA recommended amount into an infant is not only lunatic but also criminal. There’s the biological effect-the human immune system is designed to deal with one antigen at a time. Vaccines inject 8 to 10 antigens at one time. When you do that, something is going to break. Liquid zeolite appears to be efficacious with a very wide variety of toxins, including all the toxins associated with vaccines… including… heavy metals, yeast toxins… that’s what makes it such a valuable tool in dealing with this. Any child would benefit from liquid zeolite just to clean up the garbage. Dale Breseden, a neurologist specializing in the study and treatment of Alzheimer's, provides a very useful paradigm to understand the multifactorial nature of the d*sease. Broadly speaking, aside from genetics, the major factors that influence the development of Alzheimer's fall into three categories: deficiencies, toxicity and inflammation. Toxic factors involve exposure and absorption of heavy metals, chemicals, and biotoxins. Biotoxins are harmful metabolites secreted by living organisms. There are many types, but two significant ones are mycotoxins and Lyme toxins. Mycotoxins, produced by fungi and molds, are quite widespread in food crops, but are also found in animals and humans. Candida albicans, a fungal infection produced by yeast, is an all too common source of mycotoxins that can significantly impact the brain. Likewise, Lyme disease is a common yet frequently undiagnosed chronic condition that results in cognitive impairment. Inflammatory responses arise as a result of numerous possible factors including the fungal and spirochete infections mentioned above as well as other bacterial infections and high sugar intake. In fact, it is not only the over consumption of refined sugar but also of carbohydrates in general that produce inflammation in the brain. The good news is that these factors can be addressed and in varying degrees rectified. Deficiencies can be reversed, toxins can be eliminated and inflammation can be eliminated or reduced. It is not only the kind of food but also its quality that matters. Pesticides, additives and other artificial chemicals only add to the toxins burdening encumbering the system. Research indicates that genetic engineering has also resulted in toxic foods. The herbicide glyphosate, although almost omnipresent in the food supply, is found in particularly high amounts in GE foods. Glyphosate has been shown to disrupt various metabolic processes, disturb the digestive function, produce mineral deficiencies and generally produce systemic toxicity. Of the many other types of toxins involved in cognitive impairment, heavy metals are probably the most commonly implicated. Eliminating sources of exposure and promoting detoxification can address this. Two important steps are the removal of metal dental fillings and discontinuing the use of aluminum cookware. The latter would also include avoiding prepared or restaurant foods cooked with aluminum. There are a number of methods remove of heavy metals including supplements, botanical and homeopathic medicines. Zeolites, mineral compounds derived from volcanic lava, chelate with the metals and eliminate them via urinary excretion. Low potency homeopathic preparations of the various metals along with lymphatic cleansers also stimulate the body to cleanse itself. Cosmetics and perfumes are also a common and significant source of chemical toxicity. If the label contains lots of chemical compounds in the ingredients - or doesn't list the ingredients at all, it is best to discontinue or switch to brands that rely on natural, organic ingredients. Zeolites and homeopathic detoxifying preparations are useful in ridding the body of residues of these chemicals as well. Many other brands use fragmented zeolite particles (broken damaged zeolite lattice structure), hydrated zeolite, hydrolyzed zeolite, water-soluble zeolite, nano zeolite (all unproven to be efficient at broad-spectrum heavy metal, chemical, toxin attraction and removal). These competitor brands also use harsh chemicals, hydrochloric acids, solvents and/or high heat treatment methods to produce their products. t also modulates your immune system for defense against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions and viruses. Until recently, mercury was a component of the preservative used in most vaccines. Combined with the fact that a number of studies have shown that there is a definitive connection between autism and the part of the body’s system dealing with metal regulation has led to a strong following that believes the vaccines that are being given to children are at the root of the increased number of children who suffer from autism today.Avoiding aluminum ingestion altogether is literally impossible. That’s because aluminum is one of the most abundant elements in soil.So anything that grows from the ground–or eats things growing from the ground– contains aluminum.Here are some examples of the average amounts of aluminum found in common foods:Wheat and corn: 140 PPM (parts per million)Potatoes: 100 PPMLettuce: 90 PPMBeans: 165 PPMTomatoes: 90 PPMPineapple: 100 PPMBananas: 97 PPMCoffee: 97 PPMYou get the idea: There is no food containing zero aluminum. Liquid Zeolite doesn't release or leach any aluminum into the body, it attracts and removes aluminum, heavy metals & toxins found in the body. ====We are the WORLD'S LEADING Manufacturer and Supplier of Liquid Zeolite ProductsLiquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ! Selling Zeolite worldwide for nearly 18 years! FAST Shipping Worldwide!WORKS Faster & Better Than Zeolite Powder! More Medical Doctors & Healthcare Practicioners SELL Liquid Zeolite than ALL of the Zeolite Powder products combined! Liquid Zeolite Many People Say it CHANGED Their Life for the Better!You will become a customer for life!Natural, Fast Acting, Super DetoxifierA powerful heavy metal, especially mercury detox. Ultra Liquid Zeolite is safe, convenient and easy to use.The most affordable, reliable and easy to take toxin absorbing supplement.Our Liquid Zeolite metal detox treatment safely binds and removes toxic heavy metals (including mercury, aluminum, arsenic, lead, cadmium, pesticides, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, radioactive elements and others) without removing beneficial minerals. It also supercharges your immune system for defense against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions and viruses. Until recently, mercury was a component of the preservative used in most vaccines. Combined with the fact that a number of studies have shown that there is a definitive connection between autism and the part of the body’s system dealing with metal regulation has led to a strong following that believes the vaccines that are being given to children are at the root of the increased number of children who suffer from autism today. In addition to working as a powerful mercury detox, Ultra Liquid Zeolite is a safe detox treatment that removes pesticides, radioactive elements and all toxic heavy metals while also boosting the immune system. ======================Liquid Zeolite will Detoxify your body of these toxic heavy metals.Lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic and more are widely found in our environment and are known as toxic metals. We are exposed to these toxic metals from numerous sources today, including contaminated air, water, soil and food.LeadLead weakens the body severely. It replaces calcium in the bone, weakening them and slowly causing one type of osteoporosis. Lead is incorporated into bone, causes the bio-unavailability of calcium and displaces calcium. Lead inhibits enzymes associated with hemoglobin synthesis, and increases the rate of destruction of red blood cells. It also replaces calcium in the blood cells, damaging the blood. Lead can raise uric acid levels and impair kidney function leading to gout.MercuryMercury is among the most toxic elements known to man. It is also the most common heavy metal on the earth today. That is why having mercury fillings is such a major challenge to your health. Mercury is found in many prescription and over-the-counter remedies, dental fillings and vaccines. Hundreds of symptoms may be due to chronic mercury toxicity. It often settles deep in the tissues of the brain, kidneys and liver.CadmiumCadmium is a very toxic metal and is associated with the development of cancers. Cadmium also powerfully irritates adrenal activity. Cadmium is among the most toxic of the heavy metals. It is a common metal found in marijuana, cigarette smoke, tap water, coffee, some processed and refined foods such as hydrogenated oils, and in foods from the sea, especially shellfish. Cadmium is extremely toxic, with acceptable levels one tenth that of most of the other toxic metals. Its effects are many, but it mainly affects the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and is related to cancer.ArsenicArsenic is a very toxic mineral. Arsenic poisoning is extremely common and affects most people today, to some degree. Arsenic is a left-side poison, affecting the heart and the left side of the brain. Arsenic is added to salt. Many herbs are contaminated from soil and water. Many lakes are contaminated with arsenic which poisons the fish. Arsenic is also found in beer, wine, rice and butter. It is used as pesticide on fruits and grapes. Arsenic is a powerful enzyme poison and disrupts the adrenal glands. ====================== ===========================================Liquid Zeolite alkalizes the body (pathogens can’t live in a balanced PH environment, most diseases occur when the body is acidic. An acidic body is a sickness magnet! Get Alkaline & Get Healthy!Liquid Zeolite is recommended and sold by physicians, chiropractors and healthcare practitioners worldwide! It is for cellular repair & defense! Great for children and pets too!Most customers say that they feel happier, healthier, more energetic, have clearer sharper thinking, smoother softer younger looking skin, etc! Many customers report amazing testimonials that we can’t even repeat! Overweight buyers say it helps suppress their appetite and very sickly buyers say it improves their appetite! Buyers also mention that their bowel movements are more normalized as well.Customers tell us their doctors say “I don’t know what you're taking, but whatever it is keep it up”, so they keep taking our Ultra Liquid Zeolite, and their health continues to improve! Plain zeolite powder ONLY works in the intestine while Liquid Zeolite (micronized cleansed zeolite combined with humic acid/fulvic acid) is transported throughout the 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your circulatory system. It starts to detoxify ALL of your body’s cells in seconds! Liquid Zeolite may also help to normalize pH levels, kill viruses and bacteria, as well as improve overall well-being and increase energy levels. If you are taking a non-traditional approach to any health problem or you are simply trying to improve your health, detoxification of toxins & heavy metals is vital to your success. 100% Natural Ingredients:LIQUID ZEOLITE contains natural purified clinoptilolite zeolite which has been ultra-micronized and ultra-cleansed, humic acid, fulvic acid, DHQ (dihydroquercetin), M-Water "structured water", 72 naturally occurring trace minerals, 12 naturally-occurring amino acids, phyto-nutrients, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients. Potassium sorbate and citric acid added as natural preservatives. Each batch is also 3rd party-lab tested to assure a 100% safe product.===========================================

Price: 19.99 USD

Location: Cedar Grove, New Jersey

End Time: 2023-11-30T09:32:40.000Z

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zeolite liquid fights back - joint - gout pain - inflammation - leaky gut + MOREzeolite liquid fights back - joint - gout pain - inflammation - leaky gut + MOREzeolite liquid fights back - joint - gout pain - inflammation - leaky gut + MOREzeolite liquid fights back - joint - gout pain - inflammation - leaky gut + MORE

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Expiration Date: 2026

Country of Manufacture: United States

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Supplement Purpose: Detox

Formulation: Liquid

Ingredients: Zeolite

Brand: Liquid Zeolite

Active Ingredients: Liquid Zeolite, Dihydroquercetin (Dhq)

Main Purpose: Cleansing & Detoxification

Type: Liquid Zeolite


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