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Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Valor - 29 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7

Description: **Make sure to check out our other accounts, we have many for sale** Account Overview: Level: 40 Team: Valor Stardust 2,526,608 Experience: 24,897,810 PokeCoins 0 Login: PTC Email Change: NO Shinies: 29 Legendaries 2 Mythicals 0 100% IV's 23 Pokemon Bag: 276/300 Item Bag: 194/350 Start Date: 2016-11-08 Pokemon Overview: Pokemon CP IV Move 1 Move 2 Dragonite 3098 89 Dragon Breath Dragon Pulse Snorlax 2565 91 Zen Headbutt Hyper Beam Snorlax 2502 78 Lick Earthquake Dragonite 2480 67 Steel Wing Hyper Beam Exeggutor 2293 87 Confusion Solar Beam Dragonite 2291 62 Dragon Breath Hyper Beam Dragonite 2289 67 Dragon Breath Dragon Claw Pinsir 2157 36 Rock Smash X-Scissor Snorlax 2096 93 Lick Hyper Beam Omastar 2044 56 Mud Shot Hydro Pump Arcanine 2025 62 Fire Fang Fire Blast Omastar 2020 78 Water Gun Ancient Power Flareon 2008 47 Ember Flamethrower Starmie 1967 60 Tackle Hydro Pump Kingler 1954 80 Metal Claw X-Scissor Vaporeon 1936 58 Water Gun Hydro Pump Jolteon 1913 40 Thunder Shock Thunderbolt Rhydon 1910 60 Rock Smash Megahorn Kangaskhan 1886 80 Low Kick Brick Break Golduck 1840 62 Confusion Psychic Poliwrath 1837 64 Bubble Ice Punch Lapras 1818 78 Ice Shard Ice Beam Flareon 1805 67 Ember Flamethrower Nidoking 1795 67 Fury Cutter Earthquake Pinsir 1794 76 Bug Bite X-Scissor Azelf 1793 84 Extrasensory Swift Snorlax 1776 44 Zen Headbutt Hyper Beam Slowbro 1764 42 Confusion Ice Beam Tauros 1754 38 Zen Headbutt Iron Head Nidoqueen 1750 53 Poison Jab Sludge Wave Clefable 1735 49 Pound Moonblast Rapidash 1727 67 Low Kick Fire Blast Seaking 1709 71 Peck Megahorn Snorlax 1699 38 Lick Body Slam Tentacruel 1669 78 Poison Jab Sludge Wave Pinsir 1662 87 Rock Smash Vice Grip Vaporeon 1603 60 Water Gun Hydro Pump Pinsir 1598 62 Fury Cutter Vice Grip Vaporeon 1589 56 Water Gun Hydro Pump Slowbro 1580 38 Confusion Water Pulse Cresselia 1576 78 Confusion Moonblast Fearow 1572 71 Steel Wing Aerial Ace Weezing 1533 49 Tackle Shadow Ball Snorlax 1533 51 Lick Hyper Beam Venomoth 1530 64 Bug Bite Psychic Golbat 1519 60 Bite Air Cutter Scyther 1516 87 Air Slash X-Scissor Primeape 1483 60 Karate Chop Night Slash Electrode 1469 87 Spark Hyper Beam Ponyta 1455 100 Tackle Stomp Arbok 1442 58 Acid Dark Pulse Sandslash 1420 71 Metal Claw Rock Tomb Tangela 1384 58 Vine Whip Sludge Bomb Graveler 1332 64 Rock Throw Stone Edge Raticate 1315 56 Bite Hyper Fang Cranidos 1300 58 Take Down Ancient Power Wigglytuff 1287 33 Pound Hyper Beam Krabby 1284 82 Mud Shot Water Pulse Aerodactyl 1272 60 Steel Wing Iron Head Parasect 1261 64 Bug Bite X-Scissor Weepinbell 1196 80 Razor Leaf Seed Bomb Rhyhorn 1167 42 Rock Smash Stomp Machop 1150 100 Karate Chop Low Sweep Persian 1129 64 Feint Attack Power Gem Stufful 1112 69 Tackle Stomp Marowak 1082 56 Rock Smash Bone Club Dugtrio 1074 58 Mud Slap Mud Bomb Sandshrew 1065 84 Mud Shot Sand Tomb Medicham * 1054 82 Psycho Cut Psychic Gloom 1048 47 Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Oddish 1029 56 Acid Seed Bomb Gligar 1023 80 Fury Cutter Dig Bulbasaur 1019 100 Vine Whip Sludge Bomb Ponyta 1006 44 Tackle Fire Blast Sandshrew 999 69 Scratch Sand Tomb Poliwhirl 995 64 Mud Shot Scald Exeggcute 980 84 Confusion Seed Bomb Machop 976 44 Rock Smash Cross Chop Sandshrew 966 38 Scratch Dig Slowbro 965 62 Confusion Psychic Growlithe 964 47 Ember Body Slam Onix * 958 69 Tackle Sand Tomb Sandshrew 956 60 Mud Shot Rock Tomb Omanyte 953 24 Mud Shot Ancient Power Geodude 953 47 Tackle Rock Slide Sandshrew 952 91 Mud Shot Dig Cranidos 945 42 Take Down Rock Tomb Ponyta 936 82 Low Kick Swift Ponyta 927 78 Tackle Flame Charge Abra * 878 60 Charge Beam Psyshock Staryu 878 73 Water Gun Power Gem Buneary * 872 58 Pound Fire Punch Snubbull * 867 53 Tackle Dazzling Gleam Eevee 864 62 Tackle Dig Krabby 863 82 Bubble Vice Grip Spiritomb 856 78 Sucker Punch Shadow Sneak Froakie 851 100 Pound Water Pulse Slowpoke 850 47 Confusion Water Pulse Oddish 849 20 Acid Seed Bomb Horsea 831 60 Bubble Dragon Pulse Exeggcute * 829 60 Bullet Seed Psychic Kabuto 824 20 Scratch Ancient Power Froakie 822 100 Pound Surf Drifloon * 819 51 Astonish Ominous Wind Gastly 815 49 Lick Night Shade Dragonite 805 56 Steel Wing Hyper Beam Goldeen 797 49 Mud Shot Aqua Tail Gastly 794 29 Lick Night Shade Gastly 786 24 Sucker Punch Dark Pulse Slowpoke 780 42 Confusion Psychic Charmander 778 82 Scratch Flame Burst Psyduck 777 91 Water Gun Cross Chop Slowpoke 756 56 Confusion Water Pulse Onix 754 80 Tackle Heavy Slam Doduo 751 42 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Deerling 746 100 Tackle Seed Bomb Dragonair 743 84 Iron Tail Dragon Pulse Bulbasaur 742 62 Tackle Power Whip Exeggcute 741 42 Confusion Ancient Power Shellder 736 71 Tackle Icy Wind Dedenne 736 100 Tackle Play Rough Drowzee 728 42 Confusion Psychic Dragonite 727 82 Dragon Breath Dragon Pulse Gastly 727 71 Lick Sludge Bomb Growlithe 712 38 Bite Flame Wheel Ponyta 712 89 Ember Stomp Bellsprout 708 71 Vine Whip Power Whip Voltorb 708 40 Spark Thunderbolt Horsea 699 31 Water Gun Bubble Beam Trapinch 698 82 Mud Shot Sand Tomb Seel 694 100 Lick Aqua Tail Poipole 687 84 Peck Fell Stinger Pikachu 684 82 Quick Attack Discharge Horsea 681 44 Bubble Bubble Beam Voltorb 680 31 Spark Gyro Ball Oddish 679 87 Razor Leaf Moonblast Tentacool 674 42 Bubble Water Pulse Growlithe 673 78 Bite Flamethrower Venonat 669 31 Confusion Poison Fang Pidove * 665 53 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Horsea 664 80 Bubble Dragon Pulse Paras 656 49 Scratch Seed Bomb Cubone 648 87 Rock Smash Dig Shuppet 647 51 Astonish Return Gastly 647 27 Astonish Dark Pulse Abra 647 71 Zen Headbutt Psyshock Snubbull 647 38 Bite Crunch Nidoran♂ 620 56 Poison Sting Body Slam Vulpix 615 44 Ember Flamethrower Totodile 610 76 Water Gun Water Pulse Magmar 605 24 Karate Chop Fire Punch Cubone 605 98 Rock Smash Bone Club Quaxly 603 89 Wing Attack Liquidation Geodude * 597 51 Rock Throw Rock Slide Rattata 585 67 Tackle Body Slam Drowzee 583 91 Pound Psychic Horsea 583 62 Water Gun Dragon Pulse Poliwag 575 84 Bubble Body Slam Squirtle 570 62 Tackle Water Pulse Koffing 569 49 Tackle Sludge Bomb Cubone 565 84 Rock Smash Dig Slowbro 565 89 Confusion Psychic Starly * 561 73 Quick Attack Fly Charmander 560 100 Ember Flame Burst Dratini 560 87 Dragon Breath Aqua Tail Paras 560 87 Bug Bite X-Scissor Ekans 559 82 Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Growlithe 556 64 Ember Body Slam Cubone 551 76 Mud Slap Bone Club Rattata 547 67 Tackle Dig Gastly 541 60 Astonish Dark Pulse Squirtle 537 42 Tackle Aqua Jet Piplup 534 53 Pound Drill Peck Koffing 532 58 Infestation Sludge Machop 532 84 Karate Chop Low Sweep Diglett 524 78 Mud Slap Mud Bomb Cubone 524 7 Mud Slap Bone Club Pidgey * 523 71 Tackle Twister Ditto 522 40 Transform Struggle Yungoos * 519 33 Bite Hyper Fang Nidoran♀ 517 82 Poison Sting Poison Fang Gardevoir 510 100 Magical Leaf Triple Axel Meowth 506 38 Scratch Night Slash Gastly 505 82 Astonish Dark Pulse Hitmonchan 505 73 Rock Smash Fire Punch Cranidos 490 71 Take Down Bulldoze Gastly 479 60 Astonish Sludge Bomb Smoliv 478 91 Tackle Trailblaze Mankey 476 80 Scratch Low Sweep Jigglypuff 476 62 Feint Attack Dazzling Gleam Nidoran♂ 470 84 Peck Horn Attack Grimer 467 67 Mud Slap Sludge Charmander 462 49 Scratch Flamethrower Shinx * 458 67 Tackle Swift Clefairy 453 42 Zen Headbutt Body Slam Swablu * 449 84 Astonish Disarming Voice Spearow 440 89 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Larvitar 439 93 Bite Stomp Bidoof * 429 69 Take Down Grass Knot Litwick 424 91 Ember Flame Charge Zorua * 420 58 Feint Attack Dark Pulse Cubone 417 71 Rock Smash Bulldoze Bulbasaur 414 100 Vine Whip Power Whip Aipom 408 49 Astonish Low Sweep Arcanine 403 91 Bite Fire Blast Hoppip * 403 51 Tackle Seed Bomb Pidgey 401 47 Tackle Twister Charmander 400 49 Ember Flamethrower Onix 396 29 Rock Throw Iron Head Gastly 393 42 Lick Dark Pulse Misdreavus 385 36 Astonish Ominous Wind Cubone 382 58 Rock Smash Bulldoze Chatot * 381 71 Steel Wing Heat Wave Pikachu 380 80 Thunder Shock Wild Charge Glameow 379 82 Quick Attack Aerial Ace Dodrio 377 78 Steel Wing Aerial Ace Lillipup 376 82 Sand Attack Rock Tomb Omanyte 372 73 Water Gun Ancient Power Snorunt 367 84 Powder Snow Avalanche Loudred 352 29 Rock Smash Flamethrower Squirtle 348 67 Tackle Aqua Jet Dratini 338 60 Dragon Breath Aqua Tail Gastly 336 38 Lick Dark Pulse Bronzor * 331 73 Tackle Payback Bronzor 328 87 Confusion Psyshock Chespin 313 100 Take Down Body Slam Axew 308 100 Iron Tail Dragon Claw Slugma 306 100 Ember Rock Slide Lickitung * 299 67 Zen Headbutt Stomp Metapod 299 53 Bug Bite Struggle Kakuna 288 76 Poison Sting Struggle Combee * 283 71 Bug Bite Bug Buzz Meditite 282 80 Confusion Psyshock Seel 277 100 Lick Icy Wind Ekans 274 76 Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Purrloin * 269 53 Sucker Punch Night Slash Nidoran♂ 256 76 Peck Body Slam Ekans 255 82 Poison Sting Wrap Bronzor * 250 53 Confusion Heavy Slam Weedle 247 87 Bug Bite Struggle Deino 242 44 Dragon Breath Body Slam Weedle 239 73 Bug Bite Struggle Zubat 231 62 Quick Attack Sludge Bomb Charmander 221 100 Ember Flame Charge Kakuna 221 73 Bug Bite Struggle Lotad 171 100 Water Gun Scald Rattata 169 33 Quick Attack Dig Feebas 157 100 Splash Mirror Coat Gastly 149 53 Lick Night Shade Feebas 149 100 Tackle Mirror Coat Magikarp 149 56 Splash Struggle Solosis 143 100 Zen Headbutt Psyshock Misdreavus 128 33 Hex Ominous Wind Mankey * 112 67 Karate Chop Low Sweep Ivysaur 108 20 Razor Leaf Power Whip Cottonee * 105 64 Razor Leaf Grass Knot Horsea 101 62 Water Gun Flash Cannon Caterpie 100 60 Tackle Struggle Seel 97 89 Lick Aqua Tail Burmy * 87 80 Bug Bite Struggle Gastly 80 47 Astonish Dark Pulse Feebas 78 100 Tackle Mirror Coat Shroomish 77 73 Bullet Seed Grass Knot Gastly 76 22 Astonish Night Shade Bronzor * 59 27 Tackle Heavy Slam Weedle 58 53 Bug Bite Struggle Gastly 51 78 Lick Night Shade Eevee 46 93 Tackle Swift Caterpie * 42 31 Tackle Struggle Victreebel 31 31 Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Feebas 28 100 Tackle Mirror Coat Dedenne * 24 71 Tackle Parabolic Charge Bulbasaur 15 78 Tackle Sludge Bomb Piplup 14 87 Pound Icy Wind Dratini 14 100 Dragon Breath Wrap Diglett 10 84 Mud Slap Rock Tomb

Price: 39.99 USD

Location: Schipluiden

End Time: 2024-09-06T12:47:35.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Valor - 29 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7Pokemon Sale GO level 40 - Valor - 29 Shiny - INSTANT DELIVERY 24/7

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Brand: Pokémon

Model: Android

Game Name: Pokémon

Platform: ios

Rating: E-Everyone

Region Code: Region Free

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Release Year: 2016

Genre: Action & Adventure

Video Game Series: pokemon go

Features: pokemon go account

Publisher: Pokemon GO

Sub-Genre: gaming


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