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Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615

Description: ******* Welcome to my item, Buy with confident100%真品,100%原银奉还 如果验证是假。100%正牌不是陰牌 !!Items Specifications : Item 名稱: Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615. LORD BUDDHA PEACEFUL MEDITATION SEATED RIDER HIS ANIMAL VEHICLE (MONKEY), BACK SIDE INSCRIPTION SACRED ALPHABET YHAN-KOH-PHET GREAT PROTECTION , HIMSELF BLESSED LONG 3 MONTH, OLD BE.2540 LIMITED MADE WITH ORIGINAL BOX Creator 师傅/庙名: LP MEE Wat ManWiChai Years made 年份 : B.E.2540 or 1997 A.D Main Material 原料 : Holy Powder mixed Good Effective for : Gambling luck: Improved, win game lottery money Size : See on photo, if not clear please email me FrameCase : As Show on listing, if not show please email me *Vintage Original, item Received direct from temple*. LP MEE Wat ManWiChai 師父簡介: 龍婆咪高僧生於佛歷2454年的3月4日,自小在泰國的大城府內長大,在當時的時期,大城府內高僧很多,龍婆咪在日後的修行成道過程中也多有受到這些高僧的點播。在佛歷2475年的時候,龍婆咪以21歲的年紀出家為僧,算是自始至終都與佛較有緣分的一位僧人。 而他研習的法門更是泰國當時極為著名,且對後輩僧侶們有很大影響的兩位師父。一位是泰國傳奇九大聖僧中神獸崇迪的創始人龍婆班高僧,另一位是全泰招財魚第一、且擋險法門極為強勁的、被大眾廣泛尊稱為第一神通的龍婆鐘高僧Wat Na Tang Nok Nok。!龍婆咪用了3年的時間,幫助龍婆班制造了一些著名的佛牌,接著就自己把龍婆班的魔法知識融貫自通。龍婆咪的人緣術和內觀禪修的知識是很高深的。師父也從其他師父身上學習,這包括龍婆Opasi,龍婆Chaem以及龍婆Kob。在1940年,龍婆咪被任命為Wat Manwichai的主持。 龍婆咪的佛牌也非常的聞名,龍婆米也有一段為人熟悉的故事,話說當年龍婆笨(LP Pern)門下的一位師父,幫助一名中了黑巫術的村民解降,不幸的是由於缺乏經驗,導致被對方的黑巫術纏上了!龍婆本嘗試了許多辦法,都不能為他驅逐身上的邪氣,只好帶他去Wat Manwichai拜見龍婆咪,龍婆咪於是幫他舉行了一場驅邪法會,在儀式完畢後,這師父也覺得人好了許多,在經過詳細的檢查後,確實身上的黑巫術已完全消散!這也顯示了龍婆咪擁有高深的法力,只是一場簡單的法事,就可把對方身上的黑巫術完全驅逐!而這件事項隨後也流傳出坊間,廣為被當地人民稱奇,而龍婆咪的名聲也因此更上一層樓! 龍婆咪有許多親制的佛牌聖物作品,都是很知名且極受信眾歡迎的。不僅如此,大師現在也經常受邀到各地參與督造加持的法會,普渡眾生 LP Mee is a famous Monk from Ayuttaya who has received maical wicha from two of history greatest teacher ; LP Parn (wat bang nom kho) and LP Jong (wat na tang nork). This has caused LP Mee amulets to be posses very strong magic which has led to a number of stories of success and positive experiences with wearers of his amulets and those who ever his Pha Yant and Lockets. Most tales of miracles tel of Kong Krapan invincibility and great Metta maha-niyom charm and popularity powers emanating from the amulets, for which LP Mee is famous for having special abilities for. This is a very fine amulet piece, it was incantation and bless with Good powerful magic.KHATA for this item:MP3 available (Download). Khata to audio MP3 file (If temple give khata with item.)and send to buyer within 7day after package ship out. If buyer not received please email to Ask me again. Please note: khata is ancient magic spell. also not my language. so it has no meaning for translate and no need to understand meaning. just chant it. Khata is a mantras phonetic Praying word to consecrate and control power of this item. in order for the amulet to work it needs the right pronunciation with the Katha. In line with this I will do Khata to audio MP3 file only and i can not write it down to read for you because if you can not speak it, you can open this audio with speaker phone to amulet or write it down for read with your self to get correct pronunciation. Thailand Amulet & Talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Thailand amulet, Many people believe the symbol of Load buddha has the power to ward off evil. that an object that is inscribed with the word of God, image of Lord buddha and religious narratives, symbol and signs, will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it. The surface of an amulet and talismans object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothin. The most efficacious amulet & talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that remind people to lord Buddha and his narratives. Hanuman หนุมาน occult is good for many purposes - dexterity, skill, charming with the other sex, strength and protection. Hanuman is a superhero like Deity and endow his devotees with his strength and agility. he never defeat in wars. Because When he born, monkey child got a blessing from all god The following blessings and powers on the : Brahma blessing : "May you live as long as Brahma himself lives." Blessing of Vishnu : "May you live all your life as the greatest devotee of God." Blessing of Indra blessing : "No weapon of any kind will wound or hit your body." Agni blessing : "Fire will never affect you." Blessing of Kala : "May death never court you." Blessing of All the angels : "None will ever equal you in strength and speed." So Hanuman is only winner in fighting not is loser(for this reason many Thai boxers wear Hanuman as amulet or as sak yant tattoo). Hanuman is also however a charmer with the ladies and has many wives and secret wife , so the Hanuman amulet also posesses the power to charm the other sex. YHAN or Yant is Traditional Thai Holy alphabet Tattoo spell. Yant is Originally derived from the Sanskrit word YHAN-TRA is meaning as holy alphabet / letter of magic spell Yant is a Sacred geometrical design that provide powers of protection and various blessings through Buddhist psalms and magical formulas. The Buddhist psalms written in Thai or Khmer script around the yant are know as “Khata”. A Khata is also known as Mantra (magic spell) in other meaning, the word Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning Prayer. For hundreds of years, Thai and Khmer warriors where renowned and feared for the magical markings Yant tattooed on their skin. These markings yant were a mix of Buddhist psalms and prayers, and shamanistic spells and sorcery that had survived the Religious transition from the pre-Buddhist, Hindu era and had been incorporated in the belief system of the newly born Buddhist countries. Other, more complex and complicated YANT designs such as animals and sacred geometry are seen as advanced talismans for more serious and dedicated believers. If you are a westerner who is looking for your first Yant, 95% of the time it will be one of these designs. ยันต์นั้น มีเรื่องราวที่ถูกบันทึกและสืบทอดมาตั้งแต่สมัยโบราณ พบเห็นอยู่ทั่วไปผ่านการสัก แต่จะแตกต่างกันไปตามความเชื่อและวัฒนธรรมของแต่ละภูมิภาค ในประเทศไทยยันต์ลวดลายที่นิยมกันอย่างแพร่หลายในบรรดาผู้ที่นิยมการสักคือ ลวดลายอักขระที่ให้ผลทางไสยศาสตร์ซึ่งแบ่งเป็น 2 ชนิด คือเพื่อผลทางเมตตามหานิยม และเพื่อผลทางอยู่ยงคงกระพันชาตรีให้แคล้วคลาดจากของมีคม อุบัติเหตุ หรืออันตรายทั้งปวง ยันต์เมตตามหานิยม เป็นตัวแทนของความมีเสน่ห์เป็นที่รักใคร่ของคนทั่วไป โดยเฉพาะให้ผลดีทางการเจรจา ค้าขายทำให้เจริญรุ่งเรืองทำมาค้าขึ้น ส่วนลายสัก ยันต์อยู่ยงคงกระพันชาตรี จะนิยมสักลวดลายซึ่งเป็นตัวแทนความดุร้ายความปราดเปรียว ความสง่างาม ความกล้าหาญ ได้แก่ลายเสือเผ่น หนุมานคลุกฝุ่น หงส์ และลายสิงห์ เป็นต้น หรือเป็นลายที่เปรียบเสมือนเกราะป้องกันภยันตรายต่างๆ ความนิยมในยันต์ด้านไสยศาสตร์นี้ จึงมีเกจิอาจารย์เกิดขึ้นมากมายเป็นทั้ง พระ-ฆราวาส บางรูปบางคนมีชื่อเสียงมากเป็นที่นิยมของคนมากมาย โดยเฉพาะคนดังมีชื่อเสียงด้านบันเทิง นักกีฬา ทั้งชายและหญิง ไม่เพียงแต่คนดังในประเทศไทยเท่านั้น ไปถึงต่างประเทศที่นิยมเข้ามาสักยันต์ด้านไสยศาสตร์มากมายเช่นกัน PLAI KUMAN POWDER ผงพรายกุมาร : is meaning powder which mixed with cemetery soil and other holy place. It is the most essential composition of Powerful amulets in thailand. Origin PLAI KUMAN POWDER was Created by a famouse monk name Luang Phu TIM of Wat Lahanrai, rayong province, Thailand. The PLAI KUMAN POWDER is very popular in thailand because have to Created by Famous monk him self. Monk will instruced his a close disciple to locate the corpse of a pregnant woman who had only passed the cremation ceremony on Tuesday. Furthermore Famous Monk also mixed with the burnt head bone of the dead fetus, a number of other sacred Powders (including somdej wat rakang powder, Jindahmanee of wat kangbangkaw, 108 different herbs and sedges) and the important objectivity is Sacred Soil from many Cemetery pace. The mixture was chanted for day on end before being each pressed into the molds of his amulet. This was required in essential composition to created this sacred PLAI KUMAN POWDER!!! Phra LuangPor PARN WatBangNomKho (Buddha Riding Animals), LP PARN Wat Bang-Nom-Kho is once of top 10 most famous Magician Monk of Thailand. He has Powerful in making amulet display Lord Buddha image riding on several animals or sacred myth creatures. Amulet will made with 6 different mold and Each animal has different effective power as 1. Garuda Half man birds : good for leader , power to control people 2. Hanuman The monkey King : good for windfall and gambling lucky, also become to the winner in business 3.Chicken : good for money catch, fight and victory, fast rich become to millionaire 4. Bird : good for saved and survival, change fortune better, fixed and escape from dangerous 5. Fish : good for healthy strong life, Recovery and get well fast. good fortune for trading or join friendship 6. Porcupine : good for prevent and protection from harmful, helpful and keep life far from dangerous, sheiled fortune and seek supporter The most popular PHIM (mold) is Buddha riding on chicken. The miracle keep happening from this amulet especially with money matters. LP Parn was a master that had many disciples. whenever LP Parn needed money for temple used, his disciples from near and far would come to his aid. Most of the money spent on renovations came from the sales of amulets as well as donations from his disciples. Beside building temples, LP Parn also helped villagers treat their sickness and free them from the spell. LP Parn would use holy water and herbs mixed with Pali scriptures, and meditation power to help the villagers. All the people who went to him would have their problems or illnesses solved in the end. Please Note !!!: double read all before PurchaseUnder Multiple quantity selling, i am using stock photo of 1 item to selling many quantity, so your received item(s) may not actual piece as seen on listing but i am confirm there your received will be similar and all significant not much difference between them. 100% guarantee about condition detail will similar as you see.If buyer want to see actual picture of item, it ok. Buyer have to place order and complete payment before, after that just email to me with subject "want to see actual picture if paid item(s)". i will take photo(s) of actual item in current stock and send to you by reply your email. if you saw photo and confirm i will ship out package but if buyer no want to get it, buyer can cancel order and get full refund. (this process may take 2-3 day for take a photo) Due to many type of monitors, the actual color may be a little bit different as shownTag:Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615,LP MEE Wat ManWiChai,Holy Powder mixedB.E.2540 or 1997 A.D,Gambling luck: Improved, win game lottery money,MONKEY King magic (Hanuman) !!, YANT / Yhan Holy Alphabet / letter / tattoo magic spell !!, PONG-PLAI-KUMAN (PPKM) Prai Bone Ashes mixed !!, Business & Trading & Occupation, Protection & Invulnerable & Harmless, Richly & Money & Career Wealth, Power to Command & Prestigious & Mighty & Honor Leader Boss , *Recommended, Phim LuangPor PARN WatBangNomKho (Buddha Riding Animals) !!, CopyRight 2023 เรียวอมิวเล็ท ดอทคอม

Price: 53.09 USD

Location: Bangkoknoi

End Time: 2025-01-10T03:29:07.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615Parn Buddha Ride Monkey Gambling Money Windfall Win Mee Be2540 Thai Amulet 15615

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

Color: Gray

Religion: Buddhism

Region of Origin: Southeast Asia

Modified Item: No

Type: Amulets & Talisman

year made: B.E.2540 or 1997 A.D

monk maker: LP MEE Wat ManWiChai

Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original

Featured Refinements: Thai Amulet

Country/Region of Manufacture: Thailand

MATERIAL: Holy Powder mixed

Purpose/ Effective/ Main power: Gambling luck: Improved, win game lottery money

Handmade: Yes


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