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Price: 39.99 USD
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
End Time: 2025-01-18T18:36:23.000Z
Shipping Cost: N/A USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Card Size: Standard
Attribute/MTG:Color: Dragon
Set: Crown Zenith
Speciality: VMAX
Character: Rayquaza
Year Manufactured: 2023
Material: Card Stock
Grade: 10
Age Level: 6+
Vintage: No
Rarity: Secret Rare
Game: Pokémon TCG
Language: English
Illustrator: 5ban Graphics
Card Name: Rayquaza VMAX
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Features: Full Art
Professional Grader: Certified Guaranty Company (CGC)
Card Type: Pokémon
Card Number: 102/159
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Finish: Holo