Description: A Fistful Of Spaghetti: Encyclopedia Of Italian Progressive Rock… (PB) NM- A Fistful Of Spaghetti: Encyclopedia Of Italian Progressive Rock, Experimental, Electronic Music, Etc. by Steven Freeman & Alan Freeman Large paperback book in excellent condition. See pics for description. Discover the fascinating world of Italian progressive rock, experimental, and electronic music with "A Fistful Of Spaghetti: Encyclopedia Of Italian Progressive Rock, Experimental, And Electronic Music, Etc." This first edition paperback book, published by Audion Publication in 2022, is a must-have for adults interested in the topic of prog rock, Italian music, and experimental music. Explore the 240 pages of this book to learn more about the genre of music that has captivated audiences worldwide. Get your hands on this amazing book today! The cover text & opening paragraph in the book... What you hold in your hands is a landmark publication, our long awaited extensive survey of the amazing Italian "Spaghetti-Rock" scene. Although centred on the progressive rock scene of the 1970s, we have attempted to cover all related genres here, amounting to more than just another prog rock guide. Indeed, we believe that "A Fistful Of Spaghetti" is the first English encyclopedia of Italian rock and new-music to fully examine this too-often overlooked but amazingly prolific and innovative scene in all its facets, tracing its roots from the avant-garde and pop music, via the new freedom of the post psychedelic era that gave birth to it. Artist listings... The main ITALIAN PROG SCENE section (328 artists) Abissi Infiniti, Acid Group, Acqua Fragile, Acroama , Agorà, Aktuala, Albergo Intergalattico Spaziale, Alberomotore, Gli Alisei, Gli Alluminogeni, Alphataurus, Alusa Fallax, Amleti, Andromeda, Anonima Sound Ltd., Antares, Antonius Rex, Apologia Lupi, Gli Apostholi, Apoteosi, Le Aquile, Maurizio Arcieri, Area, Arpaderba, Ars Nova, Art Fleury, Arti+Mestieri, Ash, Aurora Lunare, Automat, Azienda Tranviaria, Victor Bacchetta, Il Balletto Di Bronzo, Guido Ballo, Bambibanda e Melodie, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Baffo Banfi, Barabba, Mario Barbaja, Il Baricentro, Luciano Basso, Franco Battiato, Bauhaus, Beia Come Aba, Bella Band, Belve Dentro, Dario Baldan Bembo, Pierpaolo Bibbò, Biglietto Per l'Inferno, Black Blowing Flowers, Black Sound, Blocco Mentale, Blue Morning, The Blues Right Off, I Boom, La Bottega Del Fabbro, Francesco Buccheri, Buon Vecchio Charlie, Francesco Cabiati, Roberto Cacciapaglia, I Cadmo, I Califfi, Camisasca, Campo Di Marte, Canzoniere Del Lazio, Capitolo 6, Marcello Capra, Capricorn College, Capricorno, Capsicum Red, Carnascialia, Carpineta, Il Castello Di Atlante, Ivan Cattaneo, Celeste, Fabio Celi e Gli Infermieri, Andrea Centazzo, Il Cerchio d'Oro, Cervello, Charisma, Cherry Five, Chrisma, Cincinnato, Luigi Cinque, Circus 2000, Città Frontale, I Cocai, Roberto Colombo, Colonnello Musch, La Compagnia Digitale, Consorzio Acqua Potabile, Corte Dei Miracoli, Count Down, Crash, Crema, Crystals, Dallaglio, Dalton, Data, Dedalus, De De Lind, Delirium, Alessandro De Lucchi, Claudio Dentes, Tullio De Piscopo Revolt Group, Diapason, Dietro Noi Deserto, I Dik Dik, Dirty, Duello Madre, E.A. Poe, Electric Frankenstein, Elektriktus, Emphasis , Eneide, Equipe 84, Era Di Acquario, Era Terziaria, Gli Eremiti, Errata Corrige, Esagono, Escalation, Toni Esposito, L'Estate di San Martino, Le Estensioni, Etna, Exploit, Lucio Fabbri, Maurizio Fabrizio, Franco Falsini, La Famiglia Degli Ortega, The Feed~Back, Festa Mobile, I Fholks, Fiori Di Campo, I Flashmen, Flea On The Honey, Flea, Formula 3, Forum Livii, Free Love, Free Wave System, Garybaldi, Robert Genco, Genco Puro & Co., Genfuoco, The Ghosts Of Nottingham, Gialma 3, I Giganti, Il Giro Strano, Gleemen, Goblin, Gramigna, Greenwich Park, Grosso Autunno, Le Groupe "X", Gruppo d'Alternativa, Gruppo Folk Internazionale, Gruppo 2001, Guercia Figura Goffa, Hellza Poppin, Horus, Hot Underground Group, Hunka Munka, Hydrus, Ibis, Ice & High Society Selection, Le Impressioni, Insiememusicadiversa, Invisible Force, I.P. Son Group, Jacula, Janus, J.E.T., Jumbo, Kaleidon, I Krel, Kundalini Shakti Devi, Laser, Latte e Miele, Franco Leprino, Libra, Living Life, Living Music, Locanda Delle Fate, Emilio Locurcio, Logan Dwight, Luna, Lydia e Gli Hellua Xenium, Maad, Le Macchine Per Sognare, Madrugada, Pepe Maina, Malvasia, Mamma Non Piangere, Mandillo, Le Mani, Mass Media, Maxophone, Maya, Mediterranea, Mellonta Tauta, Metamorfosi, I Migrants, Mo.Do., Il Mucchio, Murple, Museo Rosenbach, Napoli Centrale, Nascita Della Sfera, Natural Arkestra Da Maya Alta, Leo Nero, New Trolls, Nico Gianni Frank Maurizio, Nicosia & C. Industria Musicale, Noi Tre, I Nomadi, Nova, I Numi, Nuova Idea, Le Nuvole Di Paglia, Odissea, Officina Meccanica, Oliver O. Cook, Opus Avantra, Orchestra Njervudarov, Le Orme, Osage Tribe, Osanna, Oz' Master Magnus Ltd., Il Paese Dei Balocchi, Mauro Pagani, Pangea, Panna Fredda, Paradiso A Basso Prezzo, Paradiso Di Robots, Paride e Gli Stereo 4, Gigi Pascal e La Pop Compagnia Meccanica, Claudio Pascoli, La Pentola Di Papin, Perdio, Perigeo, Ciro Perrino, Persimfans, Pholas Dactylus, Armando Piazza, Piazza Delle Erbe, Picchio Dal Pozzo, Pierrot Lunaire, Ping Pong, Planetarium, I Pooh, Posto Blocco 19, Preghiera Di Sasso, Premiata Forneria Marconi, Procession, Quella Vecchia Locanda, La Quinta Stagione, 5° Grado Mercalli, Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno, Alberto Radius, I Raminghi, Raptus, Reale Accademia Di Musica, Il Reale Impero Britannico, The Revelations, Reverberi, Ricordi d'Infanzia, Roberto Righini, Il Ritratto Di Dorian Gray, Claudio Rocchi, Rocky's Filj, Il Rovescio Della Medaglia, Rustichelli & Bordini, Saint Just, I Salis, Samadhi, Sandeman, Roberto Sanesi, Sangi, Sangiuliano, I Santoni, Tito Schipa Jr., Scorpyo, La Seconda Generazione, La Seconda Genesi, Semiramis, Sensations' Fix, Sensitiva Immagine, Showmen 2, Tony Sidney, Carlo Siliotto, Il Sistema, SNC, Alan Sorrenti, Spettri, Spirale, Arturo Stalteri, La Statale 17, Le Stelle Di Mario Schifano, Stormy Six, St. Tropez , Sway, Tavola Rotonda, Telaio Magnetico, I Teoremi, Andrea Tich, Alfredo Tisocco, Giovanni Tommaso, Trans Vita Express, Triade, The Trip, Ultima Spiaggia, Uno, L'Uovo di Colombo, UT, Lino Capra Vaccina, Venegoni & Co., Venetian Power, Toni Verde, I Vermi, Il Volo, Il Volo Di Icaro, Vuolo & Grande, Riccardo Zappa, Zauber, Zeit, Zucchero THE SECOND WAVE section (238 artists) Abiogenesi, Accordo Dei Contrari, Addamanera, Aelian, Ainur, Airline, Airportman, Algebra, Alhambra, Amanita, AMR, Ancestry, Ancient Oak Consort, Ancient Veil, Angus, Fabio Antonelli Ensemble, Aphelion, A Piedi Nudi, Apogeo, Apryl, Arcadelt, Arcansiel, Archensiel, Area 2, Areknamés, Aria Palea, Aries, Arjuna, Armonite, Art And Illusion, Asgard, Atmo, Aton's, Audio, Aufklärung, Aurora Lunare, Aviolinee Utopia, Il Babau & I Maledetti Cretini, Il Bacio Della Medusa, Baracca & Burattini, Barrock, Bededeum, Black Jester, Blondie Fox, Bondage, Càfewien, Calliope, Calomito, Gerardo Cardinale, Tony Carnevale, Il Castello Di Atlante, Catasto Elettrico, Circle Of Fairies, Clarion, Condor, Contrappunto, Contrappunto Project, Cooperativa Del Latte, Coral Caves, Cormorano, Corte Aulica, Cosentino & Di Martino, Court, Beppe Crovella, Crystal Phoenix, Dedalus, Vittorio De Scalzi, Deus Ex Machina, D.F.A., Distillerie Di Malto, Divæ, Dono Celeste, Doracor, Draft & Bill, Dulcamara, Dunwich, Eclisse, Edith, Effetto Notte, Ego, Egoband, Empire, Engel Der Vernichtung, Eris Pluvia, L'Estate Di San Martino, Ezra Winston, Fancyfluid, The Far Side, Faveravola, Fiaba, Filoritmia, Finisterre, Floating State, The Flying Brain's Garden, Foglie Di Vetro, Folli Di Dio, Freeway Jam, Gallant Farm, Gap Party, Garamond, Francesco Garbin, Garden Wall, Garlic, Gatto Marte, G/Emø, Germinale, Ghostly Medley, Massimo Giuntoli, Giuntoli & Meroni, Goad, Gothic Lunch, Greenwall, Grimalkin, H2O, Hopo, Höstsonaten, Human Expression, I.H.C., Illàchime Quartet, Imagin'aria, Jester's Joke, Kraken In The Maelstrom, Kryptästhesie, Ku, Ku, Labirinto Di Specchi, Bernardo Lanzetti, Larsen, Lethe, Lethean, Leviathan, Lingam, London Underground, Lost Tales, Lothlorien, Lodovico Ellena e Gli Assurdi, Luna Incostante, Mad Crayon, Mad Puppet, Magnetic Sound Machine, Walter Maioli, Malaavia, Malibran, Malombra, Mangala Vallis, Marangolo Etnology, Marathon, Maria Luisa Marchiorello, Mary P. Container, La Maschera Di Cera, Mellonta Tauta, Memoria Zero, Men Of Lake, Mirage, Montefeltro, Moongarden, Massimo Morante, Mosaic, Franco Mussida, Myros, Narrow Pass, The Natural Mystic, La N.A.V.E., New Perigeo, Next, The Night Watch, Nodo Gordiano, Nome, Nostalgia, No Strange, Notturno Concertante, Nova Malà Strana, Nuova Era, La Nuova Era, Nuovocorsoitalia, Obscura, The Odeja, Odessa, Franco Olivero, L'Ombra Della Sera, Tony Pagliuca, Pandora, Pensiero Nomade, Periferia Del Mondo, Stefano Poletti & Gothic, Postmeridiem, Prowlers, Quasar Lux Symphoniæ, Rains, Pietro Ratto, Riddle, Ritmia, Rohmer, Romantic Warriors, Cristiano Roversi, Rumi, Runaway Totem, Stefano Sabatini, Secret Cinema, Il Segno Del Comando, Claudio Simonetti, Sithonia, Slogans, La Sorgente, Spirosfera, Spleen, Standarte, StereoKimono, Stick & String Quartet, Stranafonia, Submarine Silence, Syndone, Tale, Tale Cue, Taproban, Tempore, Theatre, Tilion, TNR, Top Left Corner, La Torre Dell'Alchimista, Tower, 3Vel, Il Trono Dei Ricordi, Ubi Maior, Universal Totem Orchestra, Vedda Tribe, Venus Tebla, Vieta, Virtual Dream, The Watch, Wicked Minds, Yleclipse, Yugen, Yulan, Zaal, ZAQ, Zita Ensemble NEW WAVE & INDUSTRIAL section (36 artists) Ain Soph, Amok, Beau Geste, Marco Bertoni, Maurizio Bianchi, Arlo Bigazzi, Capricorni Pneumatici, Alberto Fiori Carones, Confusional Quartet, Cudù, Luciano Dari, The Doubling Riders, Evitaxal, Final Alternative Relation, Franti, Implosion, Kino Glaz, Krisma, La 1919, Luciano Margorani, Maze 1066, Militia, Mono, Novalia, Officine Schwartz, Ordo Equitum Solis, Orient Express, Le Sensazioni, Sigillum S, Tasaday, Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata, Giancarlo Toniutti, Underground Life, XX Century Zorro, The Zint Group, Zona Industriale SYNTHESIZER & AMBIENT section (24 artists) Aglaia, Alio Die, Alio Die & Aglaia, Alio Die & Zeit, Atmosphere, Cabaret Du Ciel, Enten Hitti, Gianni Nocenzi, Nosesoul, Oöphoi, Opium, Opus Vix Inchoatum, Francesco Paladino, Stefano Pantaleoni, Runes Order, Saffron Wood, Stefano Scala, Flavio Scogna, Sola Translatio, Subterranean Source, Symbiosis, Antonio Testa, Antonio Testa & Alio Die, Zeit SOUNDTRACKS & LIBRARY MUSIC section (99 artists) Alessandro Alessandroni, Alfaluna, Riccardo Allorto, Aquarium Sounds, Arawak, The Astral Dimension, Atmo, Awake, Luis Enríquez Bacalov, Barigozzi & Fabor, Franco Bixio, Blue Phantom, Blue Sharks, The Blue Sharks, Giampiero Boneschi, Gaston Borreani, Mauro Bortolotti, Walter Branchi, Giorgio & Franco Bracardi, Braen, Raskovich, The Braen's Machine, Sandro Brugnolini, Ugo Busoni, Catalano & Ducros, Luigi Ceccarelli, Silvano Chimenti, Chiti & Montori, Cincinnato, Stelvio Cipriani, Roberto Conrado, Corviria, Sergio Crippa, Bruno Battisti D'Amario, Guido e Maurizio De Angelis, Rino De Filippi, Umberto Di Grazia, Domenico Di Vito, Pino Donaggio, The Duke Of Burlington, Fabio Fabor, Gianni Fallabrino, Farlocco, Paolo Ferrara, The Fine Machine, Fourth Sensation, Fabio Frizzi, Vittorio Gelmetti, Benedetto Ghiglia, Gianni E I Suoi Solisti, Marcello Giombini, Gisteri, Edmondo Giuliani, Romolo Grano, I Gres, Pietro Grossi, Hingross, Gerardo Iacoucci, Kema, D.H. Kimball, Lesiman, Lesiman / Raskovich, Antonio Teresa Luciani, Egisto Macchi, Gino Marinuzzi Jr., Gianni Mazza, Marco Melchiori, Mario Migliardi, Mario Molino, Ennio Morricone, Narassa, Mario Nascimbene, Bruno Nicolai, Paolo Ormi, Riz Ortolani, Maurizio Passaggio, The Pawnshop, Piero Piccioni, The Psycheground Group, Raskovich, Walter Rizzati, Puccio Roelens, Nino Rota, Ruscigan, Carlo Savina, Scoen, Enzo Scoppa, Luciano Simoncini, Enrico Simonetti, Giuliano Sorgini, Gianni Sposito, Vince Tempera, Amedeo Tommasi, Tranotis, Trans Europa Express, Tusco, Piero Umilliani, The Underground Set, Victor, Bruno Zambrini, Zanagoria AVANT-GARDE & EXPERIMENTAL section (56 artists) Roberto Aglieri, Alia Musica, Andreolina, Giacomo Balla, Luciano Berio, Mario Bertoncini, Sylvano Bussotti, Paolo Castaldi, Pierluigi Castellano, Luciano Cilio, Donella Del Monaco, Roberto Donnini, Franco Evangelisti, Franco Fabbri, Patrizio Fariselli, Fedrigotti & Lorenzini, Futuro Antico, Fernando Grillo, Gruppo Di Improvvisazione, Nuova Consonanza, Harmonia Ensemble, Carlo La Manna, Roberto Laneri, Tommaso Leddi, Raul Lovisoni, Walter Maioli, Bruno Maderna, Walter Marchetti, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Maurizio Martusciello, Francesco Messina, Piero Milesi, Luca Miti, Paolo Modugno, Alessandro Monti, Davide Mosconi, Roberto Musci, Musci & Venosta, Franco Nanni, Nema Niko, Luigi Nono, N.O.R.M.A., O.A.S.I., Ossatura, Angelo Petronella, Giusto Pio, Prima Materia, Luigi Russolo, Raffaele Serra, Riccardo Sinigaglia, Specchio Ensemble, Demetrio Stratos, Giovanni Sturmann, Tempo Di Percussione, Paolo Tofani, Giovanni Venosta FOREIGNERS & EX-PATS section (30 artists) Analogy, Atlantide, Black Spirit, Blue Sharks, Brainticket, John Cage, Camel, Carré.Ladich.Marchal, Miguel Angel Coria, Alvin Curran, Cyan, Devil Doll, Elettronica Viva, Mark Fry, Billy Gray, Hero, Juan Hidalgo, Kay Hoffman, Martin Davorin Jagodic, Kornelyans, Petr Kotik, Christina Kubisch, Costin Miereanu, Tony Mimms, Morgan, Musica Elettronica Viva, Sage, Sheriff, Horacio Vaggione, Joël Vandroogenbroeck EVERYTHING ELSE section (494 artists) Alba Nuova, Albatros, Alembic Virtual, Alice, Le Ali Del Vento, Le Allucinazioni, Patrizio Alluminio, Alpha Centauri, Alta Societa', L'Altro Mondo, Gli Alunni Del Sole, Anawim, Gli Angeli Custodi, l'Angolo Buio, Anonima Sound, Anselmo E Gli Anemoni, Antithesy, Anyway Blues, Al Aprile And The National Geographix, Aquarium, Anna Arazzini, Marina Arcangeli, Aries, Arte 2000, Art Studio, Gli Aspidi, Assemblea Musicale Teatrale, Asterix, Astra, Astralia, Astrolabio, ATP, Aurora, Babylonia, I Baci, Barbati e Maiozzi, Donatella Bardi, I Barrittas, Franco Battiato, Lucio Battisti, Ricky Belloni, Susy Bellucci, Edoardo Bennato, Bennato/D'Angio, Maurizio Bigio, I Bisonti, The Black, The Black Stones, Black Sunday Flowers, Blizzard, Blow Up, Blue Gelatine, The Blue Guitars, Bora Bora, Antonella Bottazzi, La Bottega Dell'arte, La Bottega Delle Verità, Angelo Branduardi, Bulldog, Cadillac, Caelestium, Calicanto, I Camaleonti, Alberto Camerini, Cantina Sociale, Red Canzian, Canzoniere Del Valdarno, Capitolo Quinto, Enzo Capuano, Carol And The Boston Garden, Carota, Ninni Carucci, Caterina Caselli, Casino Des Images, Daniele Cavallanti, Adriano Celantano, Fabio Celi, Fabio Celi & I Pop, Cemento, Andrea Centazzo, Aronne Cereda, Chetro & Co, I Chewing Gum, Gaio Chiocchio, Gli Chopin, Cico, Roberto Ciotti, I Cleman, Riccardo Cocciante, Alfredo Cohen, Il Collettivo Teatrale La Comune, Eugenio Colombo, Combojazz, Come Le Foglie, Compagnia Dell'Anello, Complesso Alaska, Complesso 20 Secolo, I Componenti, La Comune, Comunità Casa Del Giovane Pavia, La Comunità Del Villino, Conqueror, Controcorrente, Il Corallo, Corto Circuito, I Corvi, Crackers, Cristo È La Risposta, Toni Cucchiara, Cuncti Gens Una, Francesco Currà, Lucio Dalla, Gianni Dall'Aglio, Paolo Damiani, Ciro d'Ammicco, Franco d'Andrea, I Da Polenta, Carlo Actis Dato, Fabrizio De André, Ermanno De Biagi, Mario De Leo, Gino D'Eliso, Della Venis, Deluxe, Gianni d'Errico, Antonello De Sanctis, Roberto De Simone, I Dianius, Franz Di Cioccio, Di Cioccio & Mussida, Michele Di Fiò, Mino Di Martino, Dimopoli, I Dioscuri, Nico Di Palo / Gianni Belleno, Dr. Dude, Dragon, I Dragoni, Dream Bags, Drupi, Echo Art, Edera, Effervescent Elephants, Emisfero Boreale, Endlich Allein, Enphasy, Ensemble Havadià, Environs, Epica, L'Era Dei Sogni, Erba Verde, Erton Revelation, E.S.E., Gli Esseri, Etna, Eveline's Dust, Fantastic Soul Invention, Fantasy, Rino Farruggio, The Fellowship, FEM, Roberto Ferri, Fabio Ferriani, Fili D'Erba, Piero Finà, Eugenio Finardi, I Fiori, I Fiori Di Parsifal, Flora, Flora Fauna E Cemento, Riccardo Fogli, La Folle Idea, Le Forze Nuove, Ivano Fossati, Fossati & Prudente, Franchi Giorgetti Talamo, I Fratelli, Claudio Fucci, I Funamboli, Fungo Cinese, Rino Gaetano, Giorgio Gaslini, Gasoline, I Gatti Di Vicolo Miracoli, Gatti Rossi, Gatto Temporale, Gaznevada, Generazione 73, Gens, Gen Verde, Marco Giaccaria, Ricky Gianco, Franco Maria Giannini, Giardini Da Tea, Il Giardino Dei Semplici, Flavio Giurato, G. Men, Golf Lima Lima, La Grande Famiglia, Gran Turismo Veloce, Grazia Di Michele, Ivan Graziani, Luigi Grechi, The Green Children, The Green Sound, I Gregor, Antonio Gregori, Gruppo Romano Free Jazz, Gruppo 3, Il Guardiano Del Faro, Francesco Guccini, Gulisano & Di Lorenzo, Gum Bisquit, Herasmo, Homo Sapiens, Hot Brass, Indaco, Insieme, In Tre Sulla Strada, Ipazzio, Ipocrisia, Isadora Juice, Ixo, Jacopone, Jetlag, Jimmy M.E.C., Johnny, Jonathan, J. Plep, Junior Magli, The Juniors, Kaos Rock, Judy Karol, Stani Labonia, Labyrinthus, Alfredo Lacosegliaz, Lapera, Latitudine 45, Luciano Laurini, Mario Lavezzi, Fausto Leali, Legenda Meligunis, I Leoni, Gaetano Liguori, La Lionetta, Saro Liotta, Living Totem, La Locanda, Muzzi Loffredo, Logos, Claudio Lolli, Paolo Lotti, Loy & Altomare, Simon Luca, Luna Di Pece, I Lupi, Le Macchie Rosse, Le Madri, Francesco Magni, Mai Lai, Gianfranco Manfredi, Gianfranco Mangiarotti E La Fiori Plastica s.a.s., Guido Manusardi Quartet, Enzo Maolucci, Marangolo-Turone, Marcabru, I Marc 4, Mariposa, Marmorstein, Mary Newsletter, Fabrizio Marzi, Matia Bazar, Vito Mattei, Maury E I Pronomi, Gianni Mazza, Guido Mazzon, Le Mele Per Eva, Roberto Mercanti, I Messaggeri, Messaggio 73, Metamorfosi, Carlo Mezzanotte e Syntaxis, Franco Micalizzi, Milords, Milva, Mindflower, Mirageman, Miro, The Mirrors, Mister Paperrock Orchestra, Moby Dick, Gianni Mocchetti, Gianfranca Montedoro, Adriano Monteduro, Maria Monti, Maurizio Monti, Morkobot, Motouniversale, MR Il Fagocitato, Le Mummie, Musicalia, Musicanova, Music Operation, Muzak, Myosotis, Mysia, Mystic Band, Nada, Nadoieda, Naif Orchestra, Nemo, Giorgio Cesare Neri, New Dada, New Impression, Nexus, Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare, La Nuova Dimensione, La Nuova Formula, Nuova Impressione, Nuovi Angeli, Nuovi Blackmen, I Nuovi Corvi, Nuovo Canto Popolare, Occhi Di Ghiaccio, Octotropos, O.M.C.I., Le Onde Blu, Le Onde Blu, Gli Opera, Opera Puff, Ora Esatta, Le Ore Di Punta, Orsi Lucille, Oscar Lindok And His Friends, Outopsya, Overdrive, Paciana Story, Il Paese Dei Balocchi, Pagani, Stratos & Tofani, Beppe Palomba, Pan Brumisti, Mario Panseri, Vito Paradiso, Renato Pareti, La Parola, Le Particelle, Pasetti, B.Besquet & Dallaglio, Gigi Pascal, Mauro Pelosi, Perigeo Special, Perizona Experiment, Phantoms, Roberto Picchi, Piero E I Cottonfields, Piero Ezio E Tino, Luky Pistoia, Pivio & Aldo De Scalzi, Polifemo, Praenestum 452, Patty Pravo, Flavio Premoli, Presence, Oscar Prudente, Psychonoesis, Pueblo, Stefano Pulga, Pulsar, Il Punto, Punto Morto Superiore, Qirsh, Quel Giorno Di Uve Rosse, Quelli, Quel Pazzo Mondo, Quicksand, La Quinta Faccia, La Quinta Strada, Alberto Radius, Railroad, Raven Sad, Reattori Caldi, Red Redford Sound System, Gian Piero Reverberi, I Ribelli, Ricchi E Poveri, Richard Last Group, Le Rivelazioni, The Rogers, Roisin Dubh, Romani/Cojaniz, I Romans, Rondò Veneziano, La Rosa Dei Venti, Rubble Groose, Lino Rufo, Tony Rusconi, Corrado Rustici, Sacka, Antonello Salis, Salis'n Salis, Saxes Machine, Scala Mercalli, Mario Schiano, Alex Schiavi, Gli Scooters, Il Segno Dello Zodiaco, Lee Selmoco, James Senese, Serena Rock Band, India Serighelli, Sesto Senso, Sexy Margarine, The Showmen, Siamo, Sigillo Di Horus, I Signori Della Galassia, Silvana, Giacomo Simonelli, Gianni Siviero, Skiantos, Ramasandiran Somusundaram, Jenny Sorrenti, Spaventapasseri, Davide Spitaleri, Springfield, La Stanza Della Musica, Stelle E Strisce, Stradaperta, Stratosferic Band, Stratus, St.ride, Strike, La Storia Vera, Strumentoconcerto, Suonofficina, Il Supergruppo, Taberna Mylaensis, Aldo Tagliapietra, Franco Tallarita, Ares Tavolazzi Trio, Teatro Temporaneamente Traballante, Tecun Uman, Tempus Fugit, Tony Teoli, Pierluigi Terri, III Classe, Stefano Testa, Theorius Campus, I Tibù Con Piero Montanaro, Sergio Ticozzi, Tiempo Mancante, Leone Tieri, T.M.A., Tofani & Rocchi, I Tombstones, Tom Moto, I Top 4, Toto Torquati, Track, Trama, Triangolo, Nino Tristano, Tritons, Federico Troiani, I Trolls, Li Troubaires De Coumboscuro, Gianluigi Trovesi Trio, I Tubi Lungimiranti, Tunnel, Twenty Four Hours, Gli Uh!, Ullu, Under 2000, Massimo Urbani, Giorgio Usai, The Valeriano Group, Vapore D'Anima, 20º Secolo, La Verde Stagione, I Virtuosi Di Cave, La Vita Del Domani, Le Vite Parallele, I Vocals, Le Voci Al Vento, Le Volpi Blu, I Vulcani, Well's Fargo, Workshop, Why?, Yankees, Yu Kung, Sandro Zane, Zenhit, Vincenzo Zitello, Zum Teufel OTHER USEFUL INFO section Producers & Engineers (34): Giorgio Albani, Corrado Bacchelli, Lucio Battisti, Rodolfo Bianchi, Paolo Bocchi, Piero Bravin, Lino Castriotta, Plinio Chiesa, Pino Ciancioso, Sandro Colombini, Ezio De Rosa, Claudio Fabi, Ambrogio Ferrario, Franco Finetti, Frankenstein, Dino Gelsomino, Danilo Girardi, Gianni Grandis, Rodolfo Grappa, Giancarlo Jametti, Giorgio Loviscek, Luciano Marioni, Davide Marinone, Enzo Martella, Pino Massara, "Mogol", Gian Luigi Pezzera, Gianni Prudente , Gianpiero Reverberi, Gaetano Ria, Pino Tuccimei, Maurizio Vandelli, Gian Paolo Venditti, Roberto Di Muro Villicich Studios: Ariston Studios, Chantalain Studio, Fonit-Cetra Studios, Fonit-Cetra Studios, Fonit-Cetra Studios, Fonorama, Fono Roma, Fono Roma Milano, Mulino Studio, Ortophonic Studio, Phonogram Studios, RCA Studios, Regson Studio, Ricordi Studios, Sax Record, Trafalgar Studios Cover Art & Design: sas, Mario Convertino, Bruno Fedetto, Grafico Greguoli, Impiglia E Mancini, Cesare Monti, Gianni Sassi, Wanda Spinello, Umberto Telesco, Up & Down Studio Festivals & Concerts: Festival Pop Viareggio, Montreux Jazz Festival, Omaggio A Demetrio Stratos, Palermo Pop 71, Villa Pamphili 72, Parco Lambro / Re Nudo, Piper Club, Prog Exhibition, Sanremo, Trianon '75, Zurigo Festival Various Artists / Samplers: Cramps Single Box, Ekhnatòn, Fafnir, Firenze, Free Dimension, Futura: Poesia Sonora, Futurism & Dada Reviewed, Itallic Environments, Molecole, Musica Futurista, Opus Avantra / Alfredo Tisocco, Pierrot Lunaire Tre, Progressive Voyage, Radio Montecarlo, Südtirol Rock Scene, Tarzan, The Universal Music Collection, Vinyl Magic / AMS, What's Your Function?, plus numerous library & soundtrack releases Record labels: Ariston, Bla Bla, Car Juke Box, CGD, Cinevox, Cramps Records, EMI / Harvest, Fonit Cetra, Grog, It, Kansas, L'Orchestra, Magma, Mu, Numero Uno, PDU, Philips, Polydor, RCA, Ricordi, Rifi, Trident, Ultima Spiaggia, Vedette Records (and sundry other useful bits of information, indexes, publications, etc.) Reviews, testimonials... Richard Allen Fantastic work chaps. Finally a decent book on Italian prog etc. Really look forward to diving into this Tony Joules Congrats Alan/ Steve. copy ( number 20), of the book just arrived. looks simply magnificent. " cervello -melos" my all time favourite " Italian" rock album, rightfully in the top"100"...huge thanks to you both, for creating such a stunning work..eyes down then. Paul West it's a brilliant piece of work, years in the making and every collector and fan needs this book. Buy it now! Alan Holmes Great book... but I suspect it's going to be a lot more expensive than the cover price! Crack in the Cosmic Egg cost me hundreds from records I had to buy, and I suspect this might be the same! Stuart Robertson I received mine when first published,and in my opinion it's value for money, Italian late 60s into the 70s music was something I wasn't too knowledgeable about, but this book certainly does cover the Italian progressive scene, including Psychedelia........ giving one food for thought and possibly empty pockets in trying to pin down albums, either on Vinyl or cd reissues. So congratulations to those who put this together, funded it's gestation, investigation, and eventual publication,as books like this are important for referencing, archiving and a magnet to those who are enthusiastic about the subject matter,as most Collectors are obsessives,so this is a fabulous tool in helping and guiding folks to the good and obscure......I bought with confidence as I have the German "Crack In The Cosmic Egg"DVD ROM,so I knew the author's knew their stuff, investigated and listened to many albums to put together a publication covering this niche market of progressive, psychedelic and other music forms into a interesting reference type book...... Bravo!! Mike McLatchey “A Fistful of Spaghetti” An encyclopedia of Italian progressive rock, experimental, electronic music, etc. by Steve Freeman and Alan Freeman I think it was in the second half of 1990 that I wandered into a Tower Books and browsed the magazine section and came across Audion #15. My knowledge of progressive rock at this point was starting to grow, I knew most of the basics, a lot of the German scene and my friends had some of the US distributed PFM and Banco albums which were going for like 50 cents at the time. But the Italian reissue article in this magazine blew my musical world apart. ... discovering a dizzying array of classics. I mention this context because it should highlight the idea that the Freeman brothers were writing about all of this stuff then and have had well over 30 years to put Italian progressive music into a lot of perspective since this article in Audion 15. Opinions are cheap these days, everyone has them, informed opinions are much rarer. I’ve stated this every so often but originality is fleeting and often a listener may not be aware of the precedents of any artist. Now that we’re in the internet age, just about anyone can shout about music, and this often betrays a lack of experience and worse an egocentric perspective. So it is also just as rare to find journalists or critics with an educated perspective, who have surveyed enough music to put things in their proper context. The Freemans of course have been studying this genre intensely, long before the 90s, and what you have in “A Fistful of Spaghetti” is a definitive encyclopedia of the Italian progressive scene(s). In most cases the entries in this book are extremely well thought through, exhaustively researched, meticulously detailed and the precedents of so much of this music are set out clearly and accurately... full review in Audion 73, published 3 March 2023 Eric Abrahamsen Arrived today, the book 'A Fistful of Spaghetti' from the Freeman brothers at Audion/ Ultima Thule. A quick page through and it was well worth the wait with exhaustive coverage of Italian progressive rock and experimental musics and of particular interest to me, the soundtrack and library music chapter. Well done!
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Item Specifics
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Book Title: A Fistful Of Spaghetti: Encyclopedia Of Italian Progressive Rock…
Signed: No
Ex Libris: No
Publisher: Audion Publication
Item Length: 8.5
Intended Audience: Adults
Edition: First Edition
Vintage: No
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Item Height: 12 in
Author: Steve Freeman, Alan Freeman
Personalized: No
Genre: Music, Progressive Rock, Electronic Music, Experimental Music, Italian Rock
Topic: Books, Italian Music, Prog Rock, Experimental Music
Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
Item Width: .5
Number of Pages: 240