Cane Creek

5x Carrera Servo 160 + 160 Track Speed Repro Window for Porsche 917 Hobbyist NEW

Description: 5x Carrera Servo 160+ 160 Gauge Tempo Repro Window for Porsche 917 Artisan NewThe description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.5 windows for Porsche 917   suitable for the Carrera Tempo, Servo 160 or 160 track. For hobbyists the width is approx. 16 mm and the length approx. 24mm Please also note my other offers in my shop.Not suitable for children under 3 years.5 windows for Porsche 917   suitable for the Carrera Tempo, Servo 160 or 160 track. For hobbyists the width is approx. 16 mm and the length approx. 24mm  Please also note my other offers in my shop. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Herstellernummer nicht zutreffend Marke Carrera Servo 160 Fahrzeugmarke Porsche Maßstab 1/60 EAN Nicht zutreffend Standard Business Terms and customer information/ Specimen-revocationform / data protection declarationI. Standard business terms§ 1 Basic provisions(1) The following business terms are applicable to all the contracts which you conclude with us as a supplier(Klaus Lemmermeier) via the eBay Internet platform. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the inclusion, ifnecessary, of your own conditions is ruled out.(2) A ‘consumer’ in the sense of the following regulations is every natural person who concludes a legaltransaction which, to an overwhelming extent, cannot be attributed to either his commercial or independentprofessional activities. The term ‘businessman’ refers to every natural person, legal person or legallyresponsible partnership that concludes a legal transaction in pursuance of his/its independent professional orcommercial activity.§ 2 Conclusion of the contract(1) The subject-matter of the contract is the selling of products.(2) If we set up an item vis-a-vis eBay, the activation of the supply-side domain at eBay encompasses thebinding offer associated with the conclusion of a purchase contract under the conditions specified on the pageassociated with the item in question.(3) The eBay SBT, especially § 6, are applicable for concluding the contract; a corresponding link is availablebelow on every eBay page.The contract conclusion is regulated there as follows depending on the offer format:“§ 6 Offer formats and contract conclusion(...)2. If a seller sets up an item in the auction or fixed-price format using the services of eBay, he makes abinding offer associated with the conclusion of a contract about this item. He thereby determines a start orfixed price and a deadline, within which the offer can be accepted (bidding period). If the seller specifies aminimum price in the auction format, the offer is then under the suspensive condition that the minimum priceis reached.3. The seller can also add a “Buy-now” function to offers in the auction format. This can be exercised by abuyer as long as there was no bidding on the item or a minimum price was not yet reached. eBay reservesthe right to change this function in future.(...)4. In case of fixed price items, the buyer accepts the offer by clicking the “Buy now” button and subsequentlyconfirming the same. In case of fixed price items for which the seller has selected the “Immediate payment”option, the buyer accepts the offer by clicking the “Buy now” button and completing the immediate paymenttransaction. The buyer can also accept offers for several items by placing the items in the shopping cart (ifavailable) and completing the immediate payment transaction.5. The buyer accepts the offer through bidding during auctions. The acceptance is done under the suspensivecondition that the buyer is the highest bidder at the end of the bidding period. A bid lapses if another buyermakes a higher bid during the bidding period. (...)6. In case of premature termination of the offer by the seller, a contract is concluded between it and thehighest bidder, unless the seller was authorised to withdraw the offer and cancel the existing bids.7. Buyers can withdraw bids only if there is an authorised reason for it. After an authorised bid withdrawal, nocontract is concluded between the user, who is again the highest bidder at the end of the auction owing to thebid withdrawal and the seller.8. The seller can add a Proposed price function to his offer in certain categories. The Proposed price functionallows buyers and sellers to negotiate the price for an item. (...)11. If an item is deleted from eBay before the expiry of the bidding period, no effective contract is concludedbetween the buyer and seller.”(4) Purchasing via the “Buy now” or “Offer” functionClicking the “Buy now” or “Offer” button on the item pages still does not result in binding contractualdeclarations. Rather, you also then have the option to check your entries and rectify them using the “Back”button of the Internet browser or cancel the purchase transaction. This option is no longer available only withthe issue of the binding contractual declaration. The menu navigation for eBay that is associated with theexecution of a purchase operation specifies the declaration through which you enter into an obligation and theaction through which the contract is concluded.(5) Purchase using the shopping cart (if offered)By clicking the “In den Warenkorb” (“In the shopping cart”) button provided on the product sites, the itemsintended for sale are dropped in the “Warenkorb” (“Shopping cart”). The “Warenkorb” (“Shopping cart”) will bedisplayed to you subsequently. Furthermore, you can call the “Warenkorb” (“Shopping cart”) via thecorresponding button in the navigation bar and make changes to it at any point in time. After calling the“Weiter zur Kaufabwicklung” (“Proceed to purchase transaction”) and the selection or entry of delivery addressand the mode of payment, all order data will once again be displayed on the order overview page.If you select “PayPal” as the type of payment, you will be first led to a login window of PayPal. After asuccessful login at PayPal, you will be forwarded to the order overview page on eBay.Before submitting the order, you have the option to verify or change (even using the “back” of the Internetbrowser) all your details once again or to cancel the purchase.By clicking the “Kaufen und zahlen” (“Purchase and pay”) button, you declare the acceptance of the offer in alegally binding way, because of which the purchase contract is executed.(6) Purchasing via the “Proposed price” functionThe “Proposed price” function makes it possible for you to make us a counter-offer by clicking the “Sendproposed price” button on the item page, entering your proposed price on the following page, clicking the“Check proposed price” button and confirming with the “Send proposed price” button on the following page(binding offer). You are bound to this proposed price for 2 days. The contract is concluded when we acceptyour proposed price.(7) The execution of the order and the sending of all the details necessitated by the conclusion of the contracttake place via e-mail, in a partially-automated manner. Consequently, you have to ensure that the e-mailaddress that you have deposited with us is the correct one, and that the receipt of the respective e-mails isguaranteed. In particular, you have to ensure that the respective e-mails are not blocked by a SPAM filter.§ 3 Right of retention, reservation of proprietary rights(1) You can only exercise a right of retention if the situation in question involves claims arising from the samecontractual relationship.(2) The goods remain our property until the purchase price is paid in full.(3) If you are a businessman, the following conditions also apply:a) We retain ownership of the goods until all the claims arising from the ongoing business relationship havebeen settled in full. The goods subject to retention of title may not be pledged or transferred by way of securitybefore ownership of the said goods changes hands.b) You can re-sell the goods within the framework of an orderly transaction. In this regard, you hereby cede allthe claims amounting to the magnitude of the billing amount that accrue to you as a result of the re-sellingoperation to us, and we accept the cession. Furthermore, you are authorised to collect the claim in question.However, insofar as you do not discharge your payment obligations in an orderly fashion, we reserve the rightto collect the claim ourselves.c) In a situation involving the combination and amalgamation of the goods subject to retention of title, weacquire co-ownership of the newly-formed item. This co-ownership corresponds to the ratio that existsbetween the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title and the other processed items at the timeof processing.d) If you make a request of this nature, we shall be obligated to release the securities that are due to us, to theextent that the realisable value of our securities exceeds the claim to be secured by more than 10%. We areresponsible for selecting the securities to be released.§ 4 Warranty(1) The statutory warranty rights are applicable.(2) Despite the contents of the corresponding legal regulation, the warranty period for second-hand itemsamounts to a period of one year after delivery of the goods in question. The one-year warranty period doesnot apply in situations involving culpably caused damages that can be attributed to the supplier and which areassociated with loss of life, injuries or health-related damages. Furthermore, it does not apply in situationsinvolving damages suffered as a result of gross negligence or malicious intent, or in situations involving deceiton the part of the supplier or contribution claims as per §§ 478 and 479 of the BGB (German Civil Code).(3) If you are a businessman, the following shall apply, despite the contents of paragraph 1:a) It is understood that the details provided by us and the product description provided by the manufacturerare the only things that represent the properties and condition of the product in question. Otheradvertisements, blurbs and statements issued by the manufacturer are not considered to be representative ofthe properties and condition of the said product.b) You are obligated to exercise due diligence while promptly checking the goods for qualitative andquantitative deviations, and to inform us in writing of apparent defects within a period of 7 days after receipt ofthe goods. The term limit shall be considered to have been complied with if a timely dispatch was executed.This also applies to hidden defects that are detected at a later stage (from the time of discovery onwards).Warranty claims cannot be raised if the obligation to inspect and the obligation to give notice of defects arenot fulfilled.c) In case of defects, we provide guarantee through repair or replacement at our own discretion. If the defectis not removed, you can demand a reduction in the price or withdraw from the contract at your discretion. Thedefect removal is applicable after a failed second attempt, unless the circumstances prove otherwise, inparticular due to the nature of the object and/or defect or other conditions. In case of repair, we must not bearthe additional costs, which arise from the transfer of the item to a place other than the place of fulfilment, asfar as the transfer does not correspond to the intended use of the item.d) The warranty period amounts to a period of one year after delivery of the product. The shortened warrantyperiod does not apply in situations involving culpably caused damages that can be attributed to us and whichare associated with loss of life, injuries or health-related damages. Furthermore, it does not apply in situationsinvolving damages suffered as a result of gross negligence or malicious intent, or in situations involving deceitor contribution claims as per §§ 478 and 479 of the BGB (German Civil Code).§ 5 Liability(1) We also provide unlimited liability for damage caused due to the violation of life, limb or health.Furthermore, we provide liability without limitation in all cases of intent and gross negligence, if a defect isfraudulently concealed, in case of assumption of guarantee for the procurement of the object of purchase andin all other legally regulated cases.(2) The liability of defects within the scope of the implied warranty complies with the corresponding regulationin our customer information (Part II) and General Terms and Conditions (Part I).(3) If the situation in question relates to important contractual obligations and involves minor negligence, ourliability is limited to the foreseeable damages that are typical for the contract. The term ‘important contractualobligations’ refers to important obligations that follow from the nature of the contract and whose violationwould jeopardise the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract. It also covers obligations that the contents of thecontract impose on us in order to facilitate the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract and whose fulfilmentmakes it possible for the contract to be executed in an orderly manner, and compliance with which mayregularly be taken for granted by you.(4) When it comes to the violation of inessential contractual obligations, no liability shall be assumed if thesituation in question involves violations of obligations associated with light negligence.(5) The current state of the respective technology makes it impossible to guarantee that data transmissionoperations that use the internet will take place in an error-free manner characterised by permanent availability.In this respect, we cannot vouch for the constant and uninterrupted availability of the website and the serviceoffered on the website.§ 6 Choice of law, place of fulfilment, jurisdiction(1) German law shall apply. This choice of law only applies to customers if it does not result in the revocationof the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the respectivecustomer’s usual place of residence is located (benefit-of-the-doubt principle).(2) If you are not a consumer, but a businessman, a legal entity under public law or an institutional fundgoverned by public law, our place of business is the place of jurisdiction as well as the place of fulfilment forall services that follow from the business relationships that exist with us. The same condition applies tosituations in which you are not associated with a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the EU, as well assituations in which the place of residence or the usual place of residence is not known at the time ofcommencement of proceedings. This has no bearing on the capacity to call upon the court associated withanother place of jurisdiction.(3) The provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are explicitlyinapplicable._______________________________________________________________________________________II. Customer information1. Identity of the sellerKlaus LemmermeierDompfaffweg 390455 NÜrnbergDeutschlandTelephone: 0911880276E-Mail: info@rennbahnteile.de2. Information regarding the conclusion of the contractThe technical steps associated with the conclusion of the contract, the contract conclusion itself and thecorrection options are executed in accordance with § 2 of our standard business terms (part I.).3. Contractual language, saving the text of the contract3.1 Contract language shall be English.3.2 The complete text of the contract is not saved with us. Before the order is sent, the contract data can beprinted out or electronically saved using the browser’s print function. After the order is received by us, theorder data, the legally-mandated details related to distance selling contracts and the standard business termsare re-sent to you via e-mail.4. Main features of the product or serviceThe main features of the product and/or service can be found in the product description and thesupplementary details appearing on our website.5. Prices and payment arrangements5.1 The prices mentioned in the respective offers represent total prices, as do the shipping costs. Theyinclude all the price components, including all the incidental taxes.5.2 The dispatch costs that are incurred are not included in the purchase price. They can be called up via therelevant button on our website or in the relevant item description, are separately specified during the orderingprocess and must be borne by you separately, unless a free delivery has been agreed upon.5.3 The payment methods that are available to you are specified under a correspondingly-named button onour website, or in the respective product description.5.4 Unless otherwise specified for the respective payment methods, the payment claims arising from thecontract that has been concluded become payable immediately.6. Delivery conditions6.1 The delivery conditions, the delivery date and any potential delivery restrictions can be found under acorrespondingly-named button on our website, or in the respective product description.Unless a different period is specified in the item description or our delivery conditions, the goods are deliveredwithin 3-5 days after the conclusion of the contract (in case an advance payment has been agreed upon, afterthe payment authorisation).6.2 If you are a consumer, the following is statutorily regulated: The risk of the sold item accidentally beingdestroyed or degraded during shipping only passes over to you when the item in question is delivered,regardless of whether or not the shipping operation is insured. This condition does not apply if you haveindependently commissioned a transport company that has not been specified by us or a person who hasotherwise been appointed to execute the shipping operation.If you are a businessman, the delivery and shipping operations take place at your own risk.7. Statutory warranty right7.1 The liability for defects associated with our goods is geared towards the ‘Warranty’ provision in ourstandard business terms (part I).7.2 As a user, you are requested to promptly check the product for completeness, visible defects andtransport damage as soon as it is delivered, and promptly disclose your complaints to us and the shippingcompany in writing.Even if you do not comply with this request, it shall have no effect on your legal warrantyclaims.____________________________________________________________________________________ Specimen - revocation form(If you wish to revoke the contract, please fill up this form and send it back to us.)- To Klaus Lemmermeier, Dompfaffweg 3, 90455 NÜrnberg, Fax number: 0911 880276, Email :- I/we (*) herewith revoke the contract concluded by me/ us (*) regarding the purchase of the followingproducts (*)/ the provision of the following service (*)- Ordered on (*)/ received on (*)- Name of the consumer(s)- Address of the consumer(s)- Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of a notification on paper)- Date(*) Cross out the incorrect option.These SBTs and customer details were created by the lawyers specialising in IT law who work for theHändlerbund, and are constantly checked for legal conformity. Händlerbund Management AG guarantees thelegal security of the texts and assumes liability in case warnings are issued. More detailed information can befound on the following website: protection declarationWelcome to our eBay sites!We attach maximum importance to protecting your data and safeguarding your privacy. Therefore, we provideinformation below regarding collection and use of personal data while using our eBay sites.Anonymous data collectionYou can visit our eBay sites without having to provide any personal details. We do not save any personal datain this connection.Collection, processing and use of personal dataWe collect personal data (particulars of personal or objective relationships of a particular or definable naturalperson) only within the scope provided by you.Your personal data is processed and used for completing and processing your order and also for processingyour requests.After the contract is processed completely, all the personal data is first saved taking into account the retentionperiods under fiscal and commercial law and then deleted after the expiry of the deadline, if you have notapproved of the further processing and use.Forwarding personal dataYour data is not forwarded to third parties without your explicit consent. Only our service partners, which werequire for handling the contractual relationship, are excluded from this. In these cases, we strictly adhere tothe specifications of the Federal Data Protection Act. The scope of the data transfer is restricted to aminimum.Information, correction, blocking and deletion of dataAt all times, you have the right to free information about your saved data as well as the right to correction,deletion and blocking of the same. Please contact us if required. You will find the contact details in our LegalNotice.

Price: 7.59 GBP

Location: Nürnberg

End Time: 2024-10-05T15:43:55.000Z

Shipping Cost: 4.67 GBP

Product Images

5x Carrera Servo 160 + 160 Track Speed Repro Window for Porsche 917 Hobbyist NEW

Item Specifics

Return postage will be paid by: Seller

Returns Accepted: Returns Accepted

After receiving the item, your buyer should cancel the purchase within: 60 days

MPN: Does not apply

Brand: Carrera Servo 160

Vehicle Make: Porsche

Scale: 1/60


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