Cane Creek

1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book

Description: Like new condition. 504 pages Visual imagery is a part of our everyday life. It is the communication reputed to be worth a thousand w This superb volume contains the work of all those wh imagery from 24 countries, be it posters, advertiseme illustration, corporate images or packaging. In today's age of the machine, this book of art by the is a complete reference book not only for those wh tion and design in their everyday working life, but who admire the creative talent of the visual illustr Le langage de l'image fait partie de notre vie de tous l'art de la communication visuelle, dont on dit just image exprime plus que mille paroles. Ce volume superbe contient le travail de tous ceu langage de l'image dans 24 pays, qu'il s'agisse d'affi cité, d'illustration éditoriale, de présentation de d'emballage. A l'ère actuelle de la machine, ce livre sur l'ar d'homme constitue un ouvrage de référence, no l'intention de ceux qui se servent journellement de du design dans l'exercice de leur profession, mais tion de tous ceux qui admirent le talent créatif de et illustrative. Die visuelle Bildersprache ist ein Bestandteil uns ist die Kunst der visuellen Kommunikation, von d heisst, dass ein Bild mehr als tausend Worte aus Dieser prächtige Band enthält das Schaffen vor dieser Bildersprache aus 24 Ländern, seien es mittel, Illustrationen von Verlagserzeugnissen, Fi oder Verpackungen. Im heutigen Maschinenzeitalter stellt dieses Buc aus Menschenshand ein vollständiges Nachschla nur für jene die von Illustrationen und Design Berufsausübung Gebrauch machen, sondern auc derer der Ausdruckskraft des visuellen, erläute Las imágenes visuales forman parte de nuestra arte de la comunicación visual se supone que Este magnífico volumen contiene los trabajo imágenes de 24 países, sea carteles, anuncios, il riales, imágenes corporativas o embalajes. En la actual época de la máquina, este libro de a mano humana es una completa obra de refere para aquellos que utilizan la ilustración y el di diario sinó también para quienes admiran el tal imágen visual ilustrativa. RotoVision RotoVision SA 10, rue de l'Arquebuse Case postale 434 1211 Geneva 11 Switzerland Tel. 022/21 21 21 Telex 421 479 rovi ch Dust jacket illustration: Norbert Cames, Germ ----------- 2 ----------- "ADIA”綜合性插圖設計年鑑利用富有想像力的構圖,把 語言文字的內涵以予視覺化,人盡皆知,一目了然,以期達 到視覺傳達的效果。 這本概括海報、廣告、新聞、包裝裝璜等行業的綜合性抑圖 設計年鑑共輯錄了二十四個國家逾百名插圖家及設計家作品 在這追求效率的時代,表現不同技法、風格的世界綜合性挿 圖設計年鑑無疑是插圖及設計工作者必備的寶貴資料。同時 對於愛好鑑賞天才橫溢的插圖設計家作品的人士亦是值得 收藏的珍品。 同時ROTO VISION在藝術指導叢書中還出版: 世界商業攝影年鑑, 包裝及設計藝術指導年鑑。 Il linguaggio dell'immagine fa parte della nostra vita di tutti i giorni. È l'arte della comunicazione visuale della quale si dice giusta- mente che un'immagine esprime più di mille parole. Questo magnifico volume contiene il lavoro di tutti quelli che creano questo linguaggio dell'immagine nei 24 paesi, che si tratti di affissi, di pubblicità, d'illustrazione editoriale, di presentazione d'imprese oppure dell'imballaggio. Nell'era della macchina in cui viviamo oggi, questo libro sull'arte creata da mano d'uomo» costituisce un'opera di consultazione non solamente in onore di quelli che si servono giornalmente dell'illustrazione e del disegno nella pratica della loro profes- sione, ma anche in onore di tutti quelli che ammirano il talento creativo dell'immagine visuale e illustrativa. 視覚描写は、今や私達の生活の一部になっています。 それは、千の言 葉にも値する、視覚による通信の芸術と言えます。 この本は、ポスター、広告、 出版物のイラスト、 企業イメージ、包装デザ インなど、 24ヵ国から集められた視覚芸術をまとめた作品集です。 機械が支配する現代で、この人間の手によって造られた作品の数々 は、プロのイラストレーターやデザイナーばかりでなく、視覚描写を 創造する才能を尊ぶ全ての人々にとって、この上ない参考書となるこ とでしょう。 OTHER ROTOVISION TITLES ART DIRECTORS' INDEX SERIES Art Directors' Index to Photographers Art Directors' Index to Packaging & Design MASTER COLLECTION Book Book III Photographs by Christian Vogt The World of Jan Saudek Book IV - Masters of Polish Photography ROTOVISION DISTRIBUTION The Association of Illustrators - Image One Show, USA ASMP/The Annual of professional photography, USA California Workbook, USA The New Illustration, USA Legal Guide for the Visual Artist, USA Print Regional Design Annual, USA Creative Source, Canada Creative Source/The Wizard of Oz, Australia Japanese Packaging Graphic Design in Japan Art Directors, France Le Livre des Photographes de mode et de publicité, France Le Livre des Illustrateurs français Annuaire des Illustrateurs, France Omnibook, Italy Visual Design, Italy Lichtzeichensprache/(The Message of Light) - Lajos Keresztes The Sailor's Edge - Daniel Forster Ugo Mulas Printed in Japan by Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd ----------- 3 ----------- Dust jacket design Design de la jaquette Gestaltung des Schutzumschlages Dust jacket illustration Illustration de la jaquette Illustration des Schutzumschlages Divider page design Design des pages de titres Design der Länder-Seiten Book design Design du livre Buchdesign Production manager Chef de production Produktionsleiter Publisher Editeur Verlag Copyright Mark Chapman, London Norbert Cames, Germany Nicolas Käsermann, Geneva, David Deadman, London Peter Stone, London Bernard Vouillamoz, Geneva RotoVision SA Case postale 434 10, rue de l'Arquebuse CH-1211 Geneva 11 Tel. 022-21 21 21 Telex 421 479 rovi ch ©1985 RotoVision SA ISBN 2-88046-048-4 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any elec- tronic or mechanical means including infor- mation storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be distributed by way of trade or otherwise be circulated without the publisher's prior consent. All transparencies and/or photographs and/or illustrations reproduced in the book have been accepted on the condition that they are reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the photographer and/or illustrator concerned and no responsibility is accepted by the Publisher or Printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising out of publi- cation thereof. The work of this index is the choice of the Artists and/or their representatives, not of the Publisher. As this book is printed in four-colour process, a few of the illustrations reproduced here may appear to be slightly different than in their original reproduction. Tous droits réservés. Ce livre ne peut en aucune manière être reproduit en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme que ce soit ou encore par des moyens mécaniques ou électroniques, y compris le stockage des données et leur retransmission par voie de l'informatique sans l'autorisation par écrit de l'éditeur, le droit de citation à des fins de critiques étant toutefois réservé. L'ouvrage est vendu sous condition qu'en aucun cas il ne pourra être distribué sans l'accord de l'éditeur. Les diapositives et/ou les photographies et/ou illustrations reproduites dans l'ouvrage ont été acceptées à la condi- tion qu'elle soient reproduites avec l'accord préalable des photographes et/ou des illus- trateurs concernés; en conséquence, l'éditeur ou l'imprimeur n'encourt aucune responsabi- lité ayant sa cause dans une violation du droit d'auteur ou de tout autre droit de pro- priété intellectuelle résultant de la parution de l'ouvrage. Le choix des matières dans cet index est le fait des artistes et/ou de leurs représentants et non de l'éditeur. Ce livre étant imprimé en quadrichromie, de légères différences avec la reproduction ori- ginale peuvent apparaître dans certains cas. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieses Buches darf ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Herausgebers in irgendeiner Form bzw. durch irgendwelche elektronische oder mechanische Mittel- einschliesslich der Systeme zur Speicherung und Wiedergewin- nung von Information-reproduziert werden, ausser durch einen Kritiker, der in einer Rezension kurze Abschnitte zitieren darf. Dieses Buch darf ohne vorherige Genehmi- gung des Verlages in keiner Form im Handel oder anderswo in Umlauf gebracht werden. Alle in diesem Buch verwendeten Diapositive und/oder Fotografien und/oder Illustrationen sind unter der Bedingung angenommen worden, dass sie mit Wissen und vorheriger Genehmigung des jeweiligen Fotografen und/ oder Illustrators reproduziert werden, und Verlag und Druckerei übernehmen keine Verantwortung für eine durch die Veröffent- lichung der Bilder entstehende Verletzung des Copyright oder anderen Missbrauch. Die Arbeit in diesem Buch ist die Wahl der Fotografen/Illustratoren und/oder ihrer Agenten, und nicht des Verlages. Da dieses Buch im Vierfarbendruck hergestellt ist, können gegenüber der Original-Repro- duktion kleinere Differenzen vorkommen. ----------- 4 ----------- Littleboy, John 409 7 Ninth Avenue San Francisco, California 94118 Tel. 415-387 9718 Livingston, Francis 410 1537 Franklin Street, Suite 105 San Francisco, California 94109 Tel. 415-776 1531 Agent: Freda Scott 1440 Bush Street San Francisco, California 94109 Tel. 415-775 6564 Lytle, John 411 PO Box 5155 Sonora, California 95370 Tel. 209-928 4849 Margolis, Al 358 5094 Lansdowne Road Solon, Ohio 44139 Agent: Woody Coleman Presents, Inc. 1295 Old River Road Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Tel. 216-621 1771 Marie & Friends, Rita 413 to 419 28826 Cedarbluff Drive Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90274 Tel. 213-541 8187 West Coast Representative: Rita Marie 6376 West 5th Street Los Angeles, California 90048 Tel. 213-936 2757 Chicago/Mid-West Representative: Rodney Ray 405 North Wabash Avenue, #3106 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. 312-222 0337 Martin, Richard 412 485 Hilda Street East Meadow, New York 11554 Tel. 516-221 3630 Mathewuse, Jimmy 338-339 J.S. Bruck, Inc. Artists Management 157 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 Tel. 212-247 1130 Mayer, Bill 420 240 Forkner Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030 Tel. 404-378 0686 Agents: Phil Williams, Atlanta Tel. 404-873 2287 Tricia Webber, New York Tel. 212-460 5690 Dan Sell, Chicago Tel. 312-565 2701 McCance, Lew 340-341 IS. Bruck, Inc. Artists Management. 157 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 Tel. 212-247 1130 McGar, Michael 421 3330 Irwindell Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75211 Tel. 214-339 0672 Agent: Lisa Cobb & Associates 2200 N. Lamar Suite 202 Dallas, Texas 75202 Tel. 214-939 0032 McNamara Associates, Inc. 422 to 425 James L. Maniere President and General Manager 1250 Stephenson Highway Troy, Michigan 48083 Tel. 313-583 9200 211 East 51st Street New York, NY 10022 Tel. 212-759 5910/11 980 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4W 219 Tel. 416-924 3371 100 East Ohio Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. 312-642 5328 Meisel, Paul 426 90 Hudson Street, 5E New York, NY 10013 Tel. 212-226 5463 Milholland, Richard 427 8271 West Norton Avenue West Hollywood, California 90046 Tel. 213-462 6565 201-793 4329 Moskowitz Represents, Inc., Marion 384, 405, 428 342 Madison New York, NY 10017 Tel. 212-719 9879 Moss, Geoffrey 428 Represented by: Marion Moskowitz Represents, Inc. 342 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017 Tel. 212-719 9879 Nessim, Barbara 429 240 East 15th Street New York, NY 10003 Tel. 212-677 8888 Neumann, Ann 430 444 Broome Street New York, NY 10013 Tel. 212-431 7141 Newborn Associates, Milton 320, 379, 385, 386, 462 135 East 54th Street New York, NY 10022 Tel. 212-421 0050 Newton, Richard 342-343 J.S. Bruck, Inc. Artists Management 157 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 Tel. 212-247 1130 Noftsinger, Pamela 431 7 Cornelia Street New York, NY 10014 Tel. 212-807 8861 Norcia, Ernest 357 7309 West 67th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66202 Agent: Woody Coleman Presents, Inc. 1295 Old River Road Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Tel. 216-621 1771 Norcia, Ernie 359 3451 Houston Road Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Agent: Woody Coleman Presents, Inc. 1295 Old River Road Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Tel. 216-621 1771 Novak, Bob 355 5356 Huron Road Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124 Agent: Woody Coleman Presents, Inc. 1295 Old River Road Cleveland, Ohio 44113. Tel. 216-621 1771 Olson, Robert A. 432 15215 Buchanan Court Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Tel. 612-934 5767 Otnes, Fred 303 Agent: Bill Erlacher, Artists Associates 211 East 51st Street New York, NY 10022 Tel. 212-755 1365/6 Palulian, Dickran 433 Agent: Joanne Palulian 18 McKinley Street Rowayton, Connecticut 06853 Tel. 203-866 3734 Podevin, Jean François 434 223 South Kenmore Los Angeles, California 90004 Tel. 213-739 5038 Agent: Vicki Prentice-Ostan Ostan-Prentice-Ostan 13802 Northwest Passage, Suite 203 Marina Del Rey, California 90292 Tel. 213-823 4440 New York Agent: Frank and Jeff Lavaty & Associates 50 East 50th Street New York, NY 10022 Tel. 212-355 0910 Potts & Associates, Carolyn 437 3 East Ontario, Suite 25 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. 312-935 1707 Prochnow, Bill 435 1717 Union Street San Francisco, California 94123 Tel. 415-673 0825 Pushpin, Lubalin, Peckolick, Inc. 470-471 67 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 Tel. 212-674 8080 Contact: Phyliss Rich Flood, Senior Vice President Pyle, Chuck 438 146 Tenth Avenue San Francisco, California 94118 Tel. 415-751 8087 Radenstudio 439 210 West 67th Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64113 Tel. 816-421 5079 (No answer, call 816-421 5076) Reynolds, Scott 440 308 West 30th Street #9/B New York, NY 10001 Tel. 212-239 0009 Agent: Riley, Frank 401 Represented by: Lander/Osbome Jim Lilie-West Coast Representative 1801 Franklin Street Apartment 404 San Francisco, California 94109 Tel. 415-441 4384 A Division of Jane Lander Associates 333 East 30th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel. 212-679 1358 Rogers, Paul 417 Rita Marie Office: Tel. 213-934 3395 Messages: Tel. 213-936 2757 Rodney Ray Office: Tel. 312-222 0337 Messages: Tel. 312-472 6550 Rosenthal, Marc 441 230 Clinton Street Brooklyn, New York 11201 Tel. 718-855 3071 Ross Design Associates, Inc. 472-473 27 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011 Tel. 212-206 0044 Roth, Roger 442 Michele Manasse 1960 Broadway Suite 2 East New York, NY 10023 Tel. 212-873 3797 Rother, Sue 443 1537 Franklin Street, Suite #103 San Francisco, California 94109 Tel. 415-441 8893 Ruddell, Gary 419 Represented in Los Angeles by Rita Marie: Tel. 213-934 3395 Messages: Tel. 213-936 2757 Represented in Chicago by Rodney Ray: Tel. 312-222 0337 Messages: Tel. 312-472 6550 Represented in New York City by Barnie Kane: Tel. 212-206 0322 Sakahara, Dick 414 28826 Cedarbluff Drive Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90274 Tel. 213-541 8187 West Coast Representative: Rita Marie 6376 West 5th Street Los Angeles, California 90048 Tel. 213-936 2757 Chicago/Mid-West Representative: Rodney Ray 405 North Wabash Avenue, #3106 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Tel. 312-222 0337 Tokyo Representative: Tim Okamoto Ko-Po-Ai #202 2-24-17 Takaido Higashi, Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-Japan Sano, Kazuhiko 444 105 Stadium Avenue Mill Valley, California 94941 Tel. 415-381 6377 Schwab Design, Michael 469 118 King Street San Francisco, California 94107 Tel. 415-546 7559 Scribner, Jo Anne 344-345 JS. Bruck, Inc. Artists Management 157 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 Tel. 212-247 1130

Price: 32 USD

Location: Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

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Product Images

1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book1985 HC DJ Art Directors Index To Illustration Graphics & Design No.6 Book

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Publication Year: 1986

Language: English, 4 Languages

Book Title: Art Directors’ Index To Illustration Graphics & Design

Era: 1980s

Author: Rotovision

Features: Illustrated

Topic: Illustration

Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan


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