Cane Creek

#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams

Description: ... Who Knows Inside Which Rocks Th' Largest of Diamonds Will Be FOUND??! ... sooO MANY of them look like animals, people, events or aCtiVities... What a Great hobby! !! ... BUY IT NOW, or make us an offer! !! ... As a tOP teN Collegiate Master Geology field specialist fOR Life with Advanced "boOtS oN th' GROuNd" EXPeRieNCe, i am Now, and have ALWAYS been for Nearly Two Decades on th' Lookout... On th' CONStANt LOokOut, Everywhere... Absolutely EVERYWHERE i hiked WiNteR SPRiNG & SuMMeR to fALL... Now Spanning doubL deCades, ALWAYS oN th' LOokOut... for Striking th'... th'... th'... NOt PRiVeLedGed, YES PROMi$ed... YeS YeS$ss... PReCiOu$... "Gold Mine" ... ... b'NOPe NOPe... didNt eveN OiNk OiNk tWiCe... NOt... ONCe... untiL aLL at ONCe... WheN WheN i... i... i... (((-iN SuMMeR 2023-))), i... StRuCk... i... i... StRuCk StRuCk... aN OtheR WORLdLY, Wait... Waaaait... fORRR... iiiiit... Kimberlite Pipe diAMONd ORe MiNe! !! ... Ahhh, i... i.. i... fiNd fiNd ") ... StiLL COMPLeteLY UNdiStuRb'd and aLL teLLiNG iN itS CALCuLAted tOtALitY bY tiGht SuRfACe ROCk COMPReSsiON with Enough ForCed teNSiON iNtO its GROuNdiNG areas... iN ShoCk, seeing MORe of th' MOSt LOoseLY COMPACted ROCk diStRibutiON ChARACteRiStiCs, featuRiNG SeVeRAL CAVeRNOuS POCketS iN QuAdRANtS beSide th' EVeNt HORiZON... eSPeCiALLY bASed oN deeP fOReSt SOiL buiLd-uP and th' bOuLdeR LOCAtiONS that had bLASted thROuGh MiLeS & MiLeS of... Let's say... hiGhLY fAVORAbL MAteRiALS iN A WAY that that... th' EVeNt COuLd StiLL be MeASuRed, StARt to fiNiSh & eaSiLY "fieLd SuRVeyed" as aN ObViOuSLY GeNeROuS ENd PROduCt... bY COMPARiSON t'th' CAtALOGued dOCuMeNtAtiON of th' APPROXiMAte 3o LOCAtiONs SCAtteRed GLObALLY tOtALs (((-iN My OPiNiON-))), it is POSsibLY th' beSt Kimberlite Pipe discovery in th' earth's hiStORY... Medium to Large in Quantity, temperatures FULLY Ranged hOt ENOuGh... To & Through it aLL... PeRfeCtLY idYLLiC fOR diAMONd & aLL GEM CReAtiON and... beYONd, ReAChiNG to NiGhtMARiSh "RuN & SCREAM 4 MOMMY" heiGhtS... and and... iN itS MuLtiPL StAGed APOCALYPtiC fORCes, th' EVeNt bLASted diAMONdS APARt to MiCRO ShOWeR COuNtLeSs NeiGhbORiNG MAteRiALS... at a SuRfACe bLASt StRONG eNOuGh to THROW MORe thAN 3oo ENORMOuS bOuLdeRS (((-SOMe of them AChieViNG NeAR MEGALithiC SiZed GEMStONe COMPOSiteS! !!-))), SeeiNG hOW MANY tRAVeLLd th' GOLdiLOCks ZONe to that that... UNiQue... "ONe-of-uh-KiNd" ARtiStic GLORY & iMAGiNAbLY "StORY teLLiNG" iN suCh CAPtiVatiNG beautY... LeaviNG Me iN uhhh COMPLete AWeStRuCk LifetiMe iN ONe MOMeNt breath of GRAtitude... My fiRSt & stiLL fAVORite fROM th' StARt was RiGht oN tOP & iMMediAteLY CLutChed iN My Left PAW tRiuMPhANt! !! - ENORMOUS & Brand New, 2023 adK46er u.S./Canada border Kimberlite Pipes discovery! !! - hiGh GRAde GOLd, $iLVeR, diAMONd, and WIDE RANGE of Various Other GeM$tONe$ hiddeN inside, and many heavily gripping them through th' surface, completely VisibL in th' many detaiL PhOtOS... Take your pick from judging each & every individuaL ROCk Surface we have currently avaiLabL & Li$td! !! ... Some are Completely StuNNiNG, and others... start to get... SPOooOKY when when you GAZe iNtO th' hiddeN FACes and Seemingly LARGE AS$ORTMeNt uh Events, Clearly Recording PoSsibL/PRObabL Events from uhhh... LOSt & oR VANi$hed ANCieNt CuLtuRe, iNStANtLY FLASh COMPReSsd to FOReVeR PRe$eRVe aN Entire 5o MiLLiON YR OLd Storyline POSsibLY Less than One Moment, and uhhh fuLL LifetiMe... MOSt iMPRObabL... Like th' NORtheRN "WOoLLY MAMMOth", PROVeN fLASh fROZeN & iN ALMOSt aLL EXAMPLes NEARLY PeRfeCtLY PReSeRVed to this date... POS$ibL iNACCuRACY iN hiStORiC dAtA due to OffiCiAL $CieNtifiC CLAiM$ iNSi$tiNG NONe MORe ReCeNt thAN fiftY MiLLiON YRs uhGO... hA hA hOWeVeR, ReCeNt iNCReASiNG data ReWRitiNG th' hiStORiC ChRONOLOGY, has Emerged, Suggesting th' NARRRAtiVe has beeN hi-JACked & MANiPuLAted bY MuLtiPL dARk fORCes uh th' hiddN hANd... i meaN... eSPeCiALLY ERas of VAPOR CANOPY CONditiONS & TREE TRUNK MOUNTAINS SuGGe$tiNG EXtended AtMOSPheRiC CONditiONS of GReateR QuALitY CAPAbL of ALLOWiNG huMANS, fLORA, fAuNA & ANiMALS of aLL kiNd th' AbiLitY to GROW to iMMeNSe & VARiOuS SiZeS... yOyO-toOb ARChaix for th' MOSt ACCuRAte & uP tO date iNfORMAtiON iN OuR fieLd... ... fOR uh PLANet that RANGes iN SuCh... COuNtLeS$ PROduCe uhhh sooO MANY kiNd$ beYONd iMAGiNAtiON, YA GOttA WONdeR WhY we were made to think we have forever been Living a "Life of heLL"... ONLY to die OVeR & OVeR AGAiN through ReiNCARNAtiON iNtO aN utteR ReALM of PARAdiSe... GREAT OPPORTUNITY for Beginners Just Getting Started t'th' Advanced Master Collectors Present in all fields $cientific & beyond... UNIQUE WIDE RANGE ASSEMBLY of specific character & variation, i Would hiGhLY Grade 9 + (((-NiNe PLu$-))) th' ViOLeNt Events of CReAtiON with this RARE discovery, until it is aLL OVER and then a POSsibL/PRObabL 1o in end, with aLL we can retrieve and thus catalogue through time... FAIR PRICES and uh LuCkY Range whats both inside and on th' surfaces of LittL StONes to Some i Slowly Tilt head th' fuLL 9o degrees (any direction)... to describe as... bOuLdeR iN Size... i have chosen to begin this with th' Most BeautifuL first, Li$tiNG Several affordabL Lighter weight specimens, along with assortment groups that will Greatly help us to both fine tune & clearly identify th' divine Nature of th' Overall Entirety of "God's Creation"... Auction photos include Current On Site Event photo images and efforts are "ongoing" toward any and all, big or small... "future" bOot$ oN th' GROuNd photo updates ") INTRODUCTION: ... uhhh Friend T'Th' Forest since earth year one or Less, i was that Lost kid that built forts, hosting campfires w/friends from beginning to ENdteens and Epic Parties all through College and beyond... th' immediate Runaway Leader of Our Entire Student Body 2oo4 Class 2oo8-9, i Mastered aLL 3 fields of study in Subsurface Geology, Wilderness Education and Studio Art (Level 4 in both Oil Painting & Lithography) ... i challenged dozens to earn 2nd Place working in th' field through Junior & Senior Campaigns, Recording Countless Epic Scientific "boots down" Expeditions & Resistivity Profiling data compilations to determine materials and 3d Graph Mapping vast regions miles below th' earth's surface, spanning from Local Residential into Far, and often difficult "Lands", almost beyond reason... with Never Once Less than 4.o Perfection & Accuracy in all 3 degrees, i Reached far beyond Graduate Course Requirement, pulling myself over th' cliff's edge t'th' very top of Journey's Mountain fully prepared to follow th' Sunset 4 uh Lifetime... ... beGiN 1Ooo friends and family 4 year countdown to Abandoned & isolated adK 46er "Hermit Era" 2o12... b4 Advancement through Graduation in November 2oo8, "troubling" discoveries in th' field Led to "troubling" actions off th' field... aLL My Written Work & Recorded data were "Stolen" (and later concluded "destroyed" through years of my own investigation) ... After th' first Several Months, When aLL Authorities Sworn to serve & protect Closed th' case, w/an informal meeting at (CLaw)ssified LocationN... Wide Eyed, dOubL dOubL dROPJAW & headSPiNNiNG, bLACkSMOke bLASted deafeNiNG TRAiN WhiStL out both ears, i was busy fine tuning Glass Shattering abilities through Advanced Studies in th' Master Class Discipline of Loudly Cackling Amplified bird Noises on their "Arrival"... Knees Shaking Violently, they Slowly approached & with with twitching, teary eyed heads and Both Paws Trembling, Open T'Th' Stormy Skies W/Apologies of complete dead-end Failure, Nervously falling to their knees beG beGGiNG my fACe to Forgive... iN uhhh... Truly "defining moment" moving forward... Extending from 8 to 9 feet vertically from th' ground to Lean 1o feet over & above them, i whispered... "No." ... due to th' discovery & mapping of Vast Cavernous Inner Earth Regions below our feet more than a decade since then, i studied Old Maps dating back hundreds (if not thousands) of years concentrating on th' Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River Regions, from Swampy to Mountainous Territories bordering both u.S. N Canada, in Deep Wilderness Expeditions dangerously far from parking sites, often several days to weeks at a time... by 2o2o, i was hoping to find an Underground Paradise, with increasing hopes borderlining desperation due to R Nation's decline into th' Age of "CoCoRRuP She-oN"... With th' ONe 38 PhoenixX Event fast approaching itS NiNeteeeN Oh tWO departure, it was 2o23 when i discovered an absolutely fantastic "Untampered" Kimberlite Pipeline, a Geologic Masterpiece to behold... Each moment from there below its "Leaf Pile of Concealed & hiddeN Glory", i have begun taking th' Long & Strenuous Solo Expeditions to bring these (((-heavy-))) Magical Creations to th' beloved patriotic and eagerly trembling paws of our Nation... A Lifetime of Love and Adventure to th' forest took me to age 47, where i could Gaze distantly from a Steep, Wooded Cliff to clearly see & identify that Ancient (& invisibL) high water mark... Where th' Mighty Forest and all its Greatest trees... finally... broke... and Rolled back to th' Seas... Despite Numerous Options of Research, i will try quick to sum up th' Gold, Silver, Diamond and Gem Stone Ore bearing qualities found in an untapped, Original Kimberlite Pipes & a Kimberlite Pipeline: Geological DesCription, OVERView and BaCKGROUND: Kimberlite is an igneous rock and a rare variant of peridotite... It is most commonly known to be the main host matrix for diamonds... It is named after the town of Kimberley in S. Africa where the discovery of an 83.5-carat (16.70 g) diamond called the star of South Africa in 1869 spawned a diamond rush and the digging of the open-pit mine called the Big Hole... Previously, the term kimberlite has been applied to olivine lamproites as Kimberlite II, however this has now provably been in error...Kimberlite occurs in the Earth's crust in vertical structures known as Kimberlite Pipes as well as igneous dykes... Kimberlite also occurs as horizontal sills... Kimberlite pipes are the most important source of mined diamonds today. The consensus on kimberlites is that they are formed deep within the mantle... Formation occurs at depths between 150 and 450 kilometers (93 and 280 mi), potentially from anomalously enriched exotic mantle compositions, and they are erupted rapidly and violently, often with considerable carbon dioxide and other rather... "Volitile components"... It is this depth of melting and generation that makes kimberlites prone to hosting diamond xenocrysts... Despite its relative rarity, kimberlite has attracted attention because it serves as a carrier of diamonds and garnet peridotite mantle xenoliths t'th' Earth's surface... Its probable derivation from depths greater than any other igneous rock type, and the extreme magma composition that it reflects in terms of low silica content and high levels of incompatible trace-element enrichment, make an understanding of kimberlite petrogenesis important. In this regard, the study of kimberlite has the potential to provide information about the composition of the deep mantle and melting processes occurring at or near the interface between the cratonic continental lithosphere & th' underlying convecting asthenospheric mantle... WhooO! !! ... Apologies for any mis spelling there ha ha... Again, do your own research, its fun ") ... Many, Many kimberlite structures are emplaced as carrot-shaped, vertical intrusions termed "pipes". This classic carrot shape is formed due to a complex intrusive process of kimberlitic magma, which inherits a large proportion of CO2 (lower amounts of H2O) in the system, which produces a deep explosive boiling stage that causes a significant amount uh vertical flaring... Kimberlite classification is based on the recognition of differing rock facies... These differing facies are associated with a particular style of magmatic activity, namely crater, diatreme and "hypabyssal" rocks...Th' morphology of kimberlite pipes and their classical carrot shape is the result of explosive diatreme volcanism from very deep mantle-derived sources. These volcanic explosions produce vertical columns of rock that rise from deep magma reservoirs... Th' violent eruptions forming these pipes fracture th' surrounding rock as it explodes, bringing up unaltered xenoliths of peridotite to surface, sooO Loudly that both people and animals alike instantly take off running, TOP SPEED... and... "Screaming for Mommy"... These xenoliths provide valuable information to geologists about mantle conditions and composition... Th' morphology of kimberlite pipes is varied, but includes a sheeted dyke complex of tabular, vertically dipping feeder dykes in th' root of the pipe, which extends down to the mantle. Within 1.5–2 km (0.93–1.24 mi) of the surface, the highly pressured magma explodes upwards and expands to form a conical to cylindrical diatreme, which erupts t'th' surface... Th' surface expression is rarely preserved but is usually similar to a maar volcano... Kimberlite dikes and sills can be thin (1–4 meters), while pipes range in diameter from about 75 meters to 1.5 kilometers...

Price: 64.49 USD

Location: Potsdam, New York

End Time: 2024-08-04T22:11:09.000Z

Shipping Cost: 5 USD

Product Images

#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams#11 Kimberlite Pipe - RAW NATURAL ^Conglomerate Gemstone Diamond Ore - 222 Grams

Item Specifics

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Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

California Prop 65 Warning: EXEMPt: LeSs than three employees...


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